

Research on Transaction Unit of Hydropower Participation in Electricity Market in South China Power Grid and Coordinated Mechanism

【作者】 黄海涛

【导师】 王丽萍; 邵荣;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 水电能源经济, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 按照国家电力体制改革的统一部署,在国家电力监管委员会领导下,南方电力市场建设正在积极稳步推进。由于水电竞争的复杂性,目前的南方电力市场建设方案和运营规则中还没有建立相应的水电竞争交易机制,水电暂未参与市场竞争。水电作为清洁可再生能源是我国电力工业的主要组成部分,合理、高效地利用水电资源,是贯彻十六届五中全会精神,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要措施。为了扩大参与南方电力市场的竞争主体范围,在更大范围内利用市场机制统一优化配置资源,健全电价机制,通过市场信号引导和调节电力建设投资,促进西部水能资源的开发利用和西电东送战略的实施,更好地为南方区域经济社会的协调发展服务,本文开展了水电参与竞争交易的研究。为此,本文针对当前电力市场中对水电的处理方法提出了水电参与市场竞争的必要性,分析了水电参与竞价上网的优势,重点研究了南方电力市场特征、结构类型等。本论文紧密结合南方电网的特点和水电的特性,以“建设政府监管下的统一开放、竞争有序、公平高效的南方电力市场交易体系”为总目标,充分考虑与南方电力市场总体设计相衔接,按照“平稳起步,逐步深化”的要求,充分尊重历史和现实情况,从水电参与市场竞争的原则、市场主体、交易方式、市场规则以及水火电协调、省(区)协调关系等方面,定量与定性分析相结合,全面分析了水电参与市场竞争面临的各种问题。针对每个问题,提出了多种可选择的解决方案,研究各方案的优缺点,通过分析比较后推荐较合理的方案。1、论文根据水电参与市场竞争的基本原则及近期设计模式,确定了南方区域水电参与竞争第一阶段采用“水火电同平台、单一制电量电价、部分电站、有限电量竞争”的市场模式。2、水电参与竞争要面临电力市场需求的不确定性和本身发电出力的不确定性双重风险,中长期交易的风险较大。为了充分合理利用水电资源,为水电厂提供必要的规避市场风险的手段,增加水电厂对参与的交易品种有相对灵活的选择机会,论文研究了在目前已有的中长期交易品种的基础上,增加必要的、期限较短的发电权交易、日前竞争交易等品种。3、本论文在研究了多种交易单元后建议在水电参与南方电力市场竞争交易初期原则上以单个水电站为交易单元参与竞争,还研究了梯级水电站在竞争交易中的协调方案及水电参与竞争电量的比例。4、对省区间经济发展不平衡、电价差异较大采取逐步过渡的方式,设置了一虚拟的跨省价格协调系数(简称跨省价格协调系数),并对跨省价格协调系数确定及效果进行了模拟分析。5、最后研究了南方区域水电参与市场竞争规则、提出了水电参与南方电力市场第一阶段竞争的竞争交易方案和规则建议。

【Abstract】 In accordance with the decisions of electric power system reform, under the leadership of State Electricity Regulatory Commission, the electricity market of China South Power Grid is moving forward actively and steadily. Because of the complexity of hydropower participation in electricity market, at present hydropower competing mechanism does not be built in electricity market scheme and regulation in China South Power Grid. And hydropower does not participate in market competition for the moment.As clean regenerative energy, hydropower is a main part of power industry in China. High-effectively making use of hydroelectric resources rationally is an important measure of construction resources saving, environment friendly society. In order to expand the competitor range in China South Power Grid, optimize resources collocation and power construction investment by market mechanism, promote hydropower development in west and electricity in west transported to east to benefit harmony economy development in South China, it should have to study on hydropower participation in electricity market.So in the thesis, the necessary and predominance of hydropower participation in electricity market is analyzed. And especially the characteristic, structure, operation and trade mode is analyzed. The problems that hydropower is confronted with when it participates in electricity market are overall considered based on the characteristic of China South Power Grid and the goal of constructing a unification but open, competing for ordered and high-effect impartial business system under government overseeing and also from the situation of history and current. Principle, main market part, market mode and rule, coordination of hydropower and thermoelectricity, coordination between different provinces and so on are all studied. Many solving schemes for every problem are put forward. After studying advantage and disadvantage of every scheme and comprehensive comparison, reasonable scheme is recommended.1 Based on principle and design mode of market competition, the mode of hydropower and thermoelectricity competing on same pool, single quantity price and part of stations and limited electricity is fixed on in the first stage.2 Because of the uncertainty of market need and output of hydropower, the risk of middle and long term business is huge. But in order to make full use of hydropower and afford measures for hydropower avoiding market risk and flexibly choosing exchange unit, power generation right business, day ago competition business are studied.3 Hydropower station as the business unit to compete in market in initial stage is recommended after studying the different exchange units. Coordination scheme of the cascade stations in competition business and competition electricity proportion also are studied.4 It sets a trans-provincial virtual price coordinating coefficient for the different economy development level and different electricity price of provinces. And the coordinating coefficient is fixed on and simulation analyzed.5 In last of the thesis, the market competition rule and competition effect is studied.

  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【下载频次】165

