

Evaluation of Eco-environment Quality Based on RS and GIS

【作者】 王振华

【导师】 马海州;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(青海盐湖研究所) , 地球化学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 “南水北调”是我国一项具有战略意义的工程,其中,西线工程可以从根本上解决西北六省的水资源短缺问题,对西部大开发实施有重要意义。本论文以南水北调西线一期工程的主要调水河流――雅砻江流域为研究区,应用自然生态综合指数模型,对该研究区的生态环境质量进行了评价。通过实地调查和收集大量资料,选取了植被指数、土地覆盖类型、年积温、年降水和海拔高度等五个指标作为参评因子。利用主成分分析法,计算了各参评因子的权重系数,运用遥感和地理信息系统的图象处理和空间分析功能,在此基础上建立生态综合指数模型,评价研究区的生态环境质量现状,将本研究区划分为三级,并得出以下结论:(1)研究区的自然生态环境以二级区为主,自然生态环境质量较好;海拔高度主要集中在(3800~4300m,研究区的低中海拔阶段);植被覆盖以高植被覆盖为主;年积温集中在(2457~3284℃);年降水较为分散,从南到北逐渐减少;土地覆盖类型以草甸草地为主。(2)自然生态环境的空间分布有明显差异,南部最好,中间段次之,北部最差;其变化趋势与年积温、年降水和植被覆盖变化趋势一致。(3)自然生态环境垂直分布差异明显,中海拔为主,环境质量较好;低海拔主要分布在雅砻江沿岸,环境质量最好;高海拔环境所占比例不到10%,环境质量最差。本研究区――雅砻江流域面积宽广,海拔较高,地势凶险,且区内交通条件非常不便。传统的自然生态环境评价方法需要耗费大量的人力、物力及财力。本文利用遥感获取数据的及时性和GIS的空间分析优势,对研究区生态环境质量现状进行研究,可以为南水北调西线调水河流区的生态环境质量评价提供了一种快速、准确的方法,为南水北调西线工程的实施提供一定的理论依据。

【Abstract】 “South-to-North Water Transfer”is an important and strategic project in our country. while the West Route Project of South to North Water Transfer can ultimately solves water shortage_for the six provinces in West China, with importance for the Development of the West Regions. In this paper, Yalongjiang River is selected, which is one of the improtant rivers in the West Route Scheme of South to North Water Transfer Project. Then use an integrated model of eco-environment quality to evaluate the Eco-environment quality of Yalongjiang River.Through investigating and collecting datum, five significant indices are abstracted, includeing vegetation coverage degree, altitude, land coverage, annual accumulated temperature and annual rainfall. When selecting the indeces, RS and GIS are made full use, and PCA is used to calculate the weight of every index. Based on these indices, an integrated evaluation model of eco-environment quality is builded. With the model, the study region is evaluated and divided into three grades. the results are :(1)The study region is dominated by second grade, the eco-environment quality is good. The altitude is between 3800m and 4300m; High vegetation coverage is prevailed; Annual accumulated temperature is between 2457 and 3284℃; Annual average rain is dispersed, becoming fewer and fewer form South to North ; Grass and Mesdow is the important land coverage.(2) The horiziontal distribution of the eco-enviroment quality showes evident regional difference, the best is in the south of this region,the second is the middle, the worst is in the north, which has the same changing trend with annual average rain, annual accumulated temperature and vegetation coverage. (3) The vertical difference of eco-enviroment quality is evident, the middle altitude region is dominated, eco-environment quality is good ; the low altitude region is distributed along the Yalongjiang River, eco-environment quality is the best, the high altitude region accounts for less than 10%, eco-environment quality is the worst.The study region―YaLongjiang River, has vast area, hight altiude, dangerous hypsography and inconvenient traffic, therefore, the traditional method for evaluation of Eco-environment quality needs plenty of manpower, materials and money .In this paper, RS is used to get new datum timely, while GIS to do spatial analysis. a qucik and exact method is bulided for evaluating the Eco-environment quality and theoretical foundation for the implement of the West Route Project of South to North Water Transfer .

  • 【分类号】P208;P237;X826
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1123

