

People’s Participation of the Ban on Opium-smoking and the Opium Trade Sports in the New Policies of Latter Stage of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 杨积广

【导师】 马自毅;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪初的清末新政是近些年来近代史研究的热点,作为清末新政一项显著举措的“禁烟”,也不可避免地开始被学者所关注,且在许多研究点上成绩斐然。然对禁政实施前后的民众认知,却极少有较系统深入的研究,大都以简单的文字一带而过。本文在爬梳当时报刊杂志、奏章文稿、笔记日记等的基础上,试图利用这些原始资料,来重塑当时的时代风貌,把握其间的时代话语。论文以报刊舆论为主要视角,以民众认知为切入点,系统地论述了民众在清末禁烟运动过程中的重要作用。论文共分四章,外加引言及结语。第一章论述了禁烟前各个阶层的民众对烟害认知的进步。最先对鸦片危害有着较深刻认识的是一群比较开明的官绅,他们或借助特殊的地位上书言事,或在自己的书信日记中抒发感想。由于近代报刊传媒的出现,使得中下层士绅又有了一个表达自己思想和认识的平台,自然也就成为他们宣传烟毒危害的重要阵地。报刊广告由于经济利益的驱动,也对烟毒宣传起到无心插柳柳成荫的作用。下层民众虽然有着各种知识和认识上的局限,但在烟毒的认识上并非空白。总而言之,在某种程度上,正是这种全民烟毒认知的进步,才有力地推动了禁烟运动的到来。第二章论述了禁烟前民众在禁烟举措认识上的演变过程。全章以“弛禁”论在清末三十年的发展和覆亡过程为主要线索,兼而论述“禁食”论的逐步积淀和完善,抓住社会舆论与政府政策、社会现实之间的互动关系,最终得出正是由于“弛禁”论的衰落和最终退出舆论舞台,使当时的社会舆论达到了空前一致,故对烟毒除了“严禁”以外别无他途。禁烟运动的到来是一致舆论形成后的必然结果。第三章论述了政府的局部禁烟和英国鸦片进口政策的松动。受国内舆论和现实之重压,清政府已在禁烟的征途中蹒跚起步,但无法在短期内形成全国性的浪潮。而恰在此时,鸦片贸易衰败的现实和内外舆论之指责,使英国政府坚持了数十年的鸦片贸易政策终于有了松动。而这种松动又及时被各种力量所关注,并同时发力,迫使清政府不得不抓住这个良机,正式发布禁烟谕令,揭开了禁烟运动的序幕。第四章论述了禁烟运动开展后的民众参与。官绅阶层作为中国社会的核心阶层,在这次禁烟过程中作用至关重要,他们不仅在对禁烟的认识上有了很大的提升,还将这种提升的认知上传下达,将其化为坚定的禁烟行动。而作为中层士绅的喉舌的报刊依然发挥着舆论的威力。下层民众在这次运动中也得到了很好地调动,在禁烟运动中获得一次深刻的认识提升和思想启蒙,使禁烟运动的开展更加广泛和彻底。文章的结尾对整个禁烟运动的民众参与进行了反思。舆论的推动是此次运动的关键因素,正是由于民众对烟害的长期宣传和对禁烟对策的不懈探索,才有了清末禁烟的顺利推行。而其意义不仅在于此,民众自发对烟毒危害的宣传,也是一场开民智的启蒙运动。在这场运动中,不仅有为数众多的普通民众受益,宣传者本身也在其中获益匪浅。民众自发地对禁烟政策的建言,在某种意义上是一种最初形式的参政议政,他们以政府的难题为难题,以使社会摆脱困境为目标,已在一定程度上具备了现代化国民的素质。因此,我们可以如此评价禁烟运动:其结果是为了使社会革除旧习,但其过程却让更多的人收获新风。

【Abstract】 New policies of latter stage of Qing Dynasty at the beginning of the 20th century, become a hot problem of studying in modern history in recent years. Ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade as an important measure of it, will be paid close attention to by the scholar unavoidably ,and has made the obvious achievement. But to the cognition of people before and after sports, most scholars are the plain argumentation, few scholars have carried on further investigation on it. Regard putting various firsthand information in order as the foundation, this text tries hard to show the era at that time scene again, hold the important information among them. The article regards public opinion of newspapers and periodicals as the main visual angle, people’s cognition is the main entrance discussed, have described people’s important function in this movement systematically.The thesis is divided into chapter four, including foreword and conclusion.Chapter one describes is the progress which the people of each stratum realize at the beginning of the Policy forbidden. That realize opium harmfulness is a group of enlightened gentlemen at first. They write to the emperor through their special status, Or issued the impressions in their own letter and diary.Because of modern newspapers and periodicals appearance of media, make, pass the imperial examinations lower floor gentry have one expression one’s own thought and platform known also, have just become them and propagated the malicious important position that endanger of cigarette naturally. Newspapers and periodicals advertisement because of drive of economic benefits, too malicious to propagate, play, not be in the mood for, insert willow function that willow makes a pleasant shade to cigarette. Lower floor people though have various knowledge and know limitation at, the blank on cigarette malicious understanding. So we can think, it is exactly the malicious and cognitive progress of the whole people’s cigarette of this kind to a certain extent, the strong one has pushed the arrival of sports of banning on opium-smoking and the opium trade.Chapter two has expounded development course which people knew about the action of banning on opium-smoking and the opium trade before the fact that bans on opium-smoking and the opium trade. The whole seal development that talked about in 30 years of latter stage of Qing Dynasty and course of falling by " lifting a ban " are main clues, and concurrently expounds the fact the gradual accumulation talked about in " fasting " and improves, catch the interdynamic relation among public opinion, government policy, social reality, must produce just because of the decline talked about and withdraw from the public opinion stage finally of " lifting a ban" finally, make the public opinion at that time reach unprecedented unanimity, had besides " forbidding " the cigarette poisonously His way. So ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade arrival of sport such identical inevitable development result of public opinion.Chapter three has described the becoming flexible of some ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade of the government and British opium import policy. Receive the domestic public opinion and realistic heavy pressure, the Qing Government has already walked haltingly and started in the journey banning on opium-smoking and the opium trade, but unable to form the nationwide tide in a short time. And just at this moment, the criticism of realistic and internal and external public opinions that opium trade declines, make the British government insist the opium trade policy of decades became flexible at last. And this kind becomes flexible but paid close attention to by various strength in time, and have an effect at the same time, impel the Qing Government to catch this good opportunity, release and ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade Yu’s order formally, has opened the preludes of sports of banning on opium-smoking and the opium trade.Chapter four has expounded citizen’s participation after the fact that is sports are launched to ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade. Stratum, gentry of officer, play a key role too in the course of banning on opium-smoking and the opium trade this time as the Chinese key stratum of society, they not only upload this kind of promotion to assign to having very great promotion on the understanding banning on opium-smoking and the opium trade, turn this kind of cognition into a firm ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade action. And is still playing a with important it role as the newspapers and periodicals of gentry’s mouthpiece of middle level. Lower floor people shift well too among the sport, get one rare understanding promote with the thought teaching beginners among banning on opium-smoking and the opium trade sport, have promoted the development of sports of banning on opium-smoking and the opium trade to a certain extent too.The ending of the article has been reviewed citizen’s participation in the whole movement. The pushing of public opinion is a key factor of this movement. It is exactly because of people’s long-term propaganda on Poison the opium and untiring exploration of countermeasure of banning on opium, Just make this movement pursued smoothly. And its meaning not merely lies in this, people are spontaneous to the poisonous propaganda that endangered of cigarette, it is one that holds the people’s movement of teaching beginners intelligently too. While moving this, it is benefited not only there are numerous common people, the propagandist but also benefits a great deal among them. Spontaneous suggestions to policy of banning on opium-smoking and the opium trade of people, is participating in and discuss government and political affairs of a kind of initial form in a certain meaning, they regard making the society extricate oneself from a predicament as the goal with the awkward question of difficult problem of the government, have already possessed modernized people’s quality to a certain extent. So we can appraise this movement as follows, it was originally for removing the old bad habit in the society, but let more persons reap new knowledge during the course.

  • 【分类号】K257.5
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