

Analysis of Macanese Novels in 20th Century

【作者】 莫羲世

【导师】 方克强;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 土生葡人是澳门社会的特殊族群,指世代居住在澳门的中葡混血儿,虽然他们是少数人口的群体,但仍然立足澳门,拥有着混杂的血缘身份与双重的文化根源,在他们的文学视角里,与澳门保持着不可分割的联系。二十世纪初至中叶的土生小说比较集中刻画澳门社会中不同群体(包括华人、葡人及土生葡人)的集体面貌,也是土生葡人生活方式的黄金时代。所谓黄金时代,即更能突显群体与群体间的交流与联系。透过分析三位作者(飞历奇、江道莲和布拉加,前两者是典型的土生作者,后者是曾侨居澳门的葡语系作者)的作品,他们笔下二十世纪中叶的澳门,我们可以发现有关族群、家庭、婚姻、以至对殖民时代澳门的描述,特别在历史变迁中一个被空间化的澳门。本论文尝试借用后殖民文学理论,解读这些在殖民历史背景下产生的“本土性”文本,在叙事与结构策略上,是如何反映澳门人的生存状态,继而造就一个文学想象中的澳门。论文的绪论部份对土生葡人文学与华文文学及葡国文学之间的关系作初步的定位,而在澳门这个特定的区域性文化视野中,应该如何重新认知土生葡人写作。第一章二十世纪澳门人口波动,影响着其它族群的动态,但同样是土生族群落地生根并确立居住地的时代。土生葡人作为一个不断繁衍的群体,不再是最初的登陆者,本章就他们长期以来与澳门结合的生存状态和特性进行论述。第二章对澳门地方性主权的移位,以及历史上带来的殖民问题,进行后殖民理论分析。第三章论述文学中一个遇合的空间——澳门,是如何演绎中葡的关系与接触,又是如何反映在文学叙事上。第四章综合小说文本进行分析这类以澳门为地景的故事,以及土生葡人与澳门的地理关系所带来的文化意义。余论部份展望土生文学在殖民历史结束后的发展和研究方向,并借助对土生文学文化身份的理论探索,开拓澳门后殖民文学批评。

【Abstract】 Content: Macanese, who have blood from Chinese and Portuguese and have been living in Macau for several generations, is a special community in Macau society. Although they have a small population, they still survive in Macau, having two bloods and cultures. Their literature is closely related to Macau.Macanese novels of early and mid twentieth century mostly describe different communities in Macau (Chinese, Portuguese and Macanese), and this period was also the golden age of Macanese life style. During this golden age, there was intimate communication and connection between communities. After analyzing Fernandes’, Coneicao’s and Braga’s literature, we can find descriptions of communities, families, marriage, and also Macau under colonization during mid twentieth century. In this thesis, theory of post-colonization was used to analyze the "native" literature generated with colonization background: how life of residents of Macau was described to generate the imaginary Macau in the literature.The connection between Macanese, Chinese, and Portuguese literatures are preliminarily described in the introduction of this thesis, which also describes how Macanese writing should be studied within this special literature setting.Chapter 1 During the twentieth century, the fluctuation in Macau populationinfluenced the movement of other communities, while the Macanese community settleddown in Macau. Being a continuously developing community, the Macanese were nolonger settlers only. This chapter discusses their life status and characteristics in Macau.Chapter 2 This chapter analyses the hand-over of the supremacy of Macau and thecolonial dominion in history.Chapter 3 Macau is a melting space of Chinese and Portuguese literatures. Theconnection and communication between Chinese and Portuguese, and how these werereflected in literature are described in this chapter.Chapter 4 This chapter summarizes the analysis of the novels which use Macau asliterary landscapes.Other sections forecast the Macanese literature development and research direction after the ending of colonization, and explore the identity of Macanese literature, to open up the criticism of the post-colonization literature.

  • 【分类号】I552.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】127

