

Differences-Research on the Teaching Behaviors in Class of the Novice-Expert Teacher

【作者】 李玉婷

【导师】 王祖浩;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文从化学教学行为角度,以上海市某重点高中的一位新手教师和一位专家教师进行为研究对象,使用定性观察法、访谈法和定性分析法对课堂实录进行详尽的分析。通过对教师行为研究和新手-专家教师研究的文献综述,通过对新手教师、专家教师课堂教学行为的现场记录,通过对教学行为的各项分析,笔者发现:化学专家教师和新手教师在言语呈示行为、文本呈示行为和对话交流行为方面都存在差异。研究发现,在言语呈示行为上,新手教师的突出特点是教学方法多样化,专家教师则表现出化学知识的高度组织化和结构化。在文本呈示行为上,专家教师注重理清知识间的关系,帮助学生建立知识网络,而新手教师关注每一知识点的呈示。对话问答行为上,专家教师能密切关注学生行为,根据学生行为确定教学行为;新手教师则以自我为中心,主要关注自己的教学设计是否顺利完成。希望通过本研究为教师教学行为选择、高等院校的化学教师培养以及新手教师的在职培训提供一定的理论依据。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, from the perspective of chemistry teaching behavior, we study on the behavior of novice teacher and expert teacher by analyzing the materials in detail using different methods such as observation, conversation and qualitative analysis. The article summarized the research of teaching behavior and that of novice teacher and expert teacher, analyzed the teaching behavior. Based on the above fact, the author finds that there are great differences in speech behavior, text showing behavior and dialogue exchanging behavior between chemistry expert teacher and novice teacher.The research showed that the outstanding characteristic of novice teacher on speech showing behavior is the diversification of teaching method, while, for the expert teacher, systematization and framework is their main character. On text showing behavior, the expert teacher pay more attention to the knowledge connection, and help students establish the network of knowledge. However, the noveice teacher care more about the explanation of each knowledge. On dialogue exchanging behavior, the expert teacher adjusts the teaching behavior according to the behavior of students. Nevertheless, the novice teacher often takes herself as center and regard whether their teaching plan is finished or not.Hope that this research can supply some theories for the selection of teaching behavior, training of High school teacher and novice teacher in-service.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】54
  • 【下载频次】1677

