

On the Legal Control of Executive Emergency Powers

【作者】 朱蓓

【导师】 陈洁华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 国际关系, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 SARS危机后,如何加强和完善我国的紧急状态法制成为摆在人们面前的紧迫课题。紧急状态威胁到国家生存和社会秩序,因此一般承认紧急状态下政府将合法享有特殊的应急权力以消除危机。但这种公权的膨胀和扩张往往超出应急的必要,而使宪法权利和人权淹没在所谓“应对紧急状态之必要”的沼泽之中,使“依法治国”沦为无稽之谈。行政紧急权构成国家紧急权最迅捷、最前线、覆盖最广泛的一部分。行政机构得益于快捷、便利的信息渠道和灵活、机动的运作程式而在紧急状态持续期间扮演着支配性的角色,往往是应对危机的一线反应主体,因此国家紧急权的行使在行政机构的应急行为中表现的最明显、最突出,国家紧急权对宪法秩序和基本人权的威胁性也在行政紧急权的运用中展露无遗。因此研究中国如何在转型阶段国家危机频发、普遍高度重视危机控制的背景下,在构建紧急状态法制时仍要求行政紧急权的行使保持对法治原则和公民权利的必要关注就成为新时期依法治国的必然要求。这正是本篇尝试探讨的课题,即如何实现对行政紧急权的法律控制。本篇第一章首先就紧急状态、紧急权、行政紧急权这些核心范畴进行了阐释,界定了本篇的论述范围和中心课题。第二章梳理了行政紧急权和法律的关系,肯定了法律在紧急状态下仍应约束紧急权之行使。第三章对国外行政紧急权行使和监督的实践进行了比较研究,就不同法系、不同法律传统的国家如何实现对行政紧急权的法律规制进行了介绍和分析。第四章则回归我国的紧急法制现状,通过对我国现有紧急状态法制的梳理和案例分析,指出我国在控制行政紧急权方面存在的立法不足和机制缺失。第五章则对症下药从立法完善和机制更新等方面对构建全面的行政紧急权监督网络提出一点建议,并试图结合我国的国情,为实现应急法治化指出现实可行的路径。

【Abstract】 Executive institutions play a key role in the response to emergencies due to its access to updated information and its great efficiency in crisis operation, which authorizes the exercise of executive emergency powers in the event that the nation is threatened by crisis, exigency, or emergency circumstances. However, the constitutionality or legality of the exercise of executive emergency powers are always controversial. It seems necessary on one side that constitutional regimes recognize extraordinary powers which temporarily increase governmental faculties and authorize the restriction of some constitutional guarantees and personal fundamental rights in order to defend the constitutional order and reestablish normality. This seems necessary for the continuity of the rule of law. But on the other side a dilemma emerges because these extraordinary powers become an instrument to undermine the rule of law in emergency, which was so apparent in the national response to SARS in China in the year 2003 as to invite great concerns over the legality of the executive emergency measures aftermath.This paper sets out to study how to restrain the executive regarding emergency powers by perfecting both the legislations and the institutions of emergency response, falling into five parts: In the first part I define the key concept "executive emergency power" by explaning first the concept of "emergency" and that of "emergency power". Following is an theoretical introduction of key issues concerning legislative and judicial scrutiny of the concrete measures taken by the executive during the state of emergency. In the third part I make a comparative study over the legal control system of executive emergency powers in different countries and turn back to China’s existing legislation and exercise of the supervision of executive emergency powers’ in the forth part. The last part advocates a variety in legal supervision of executive emergency powers achieved by improvements both in legislation and institution constructions, suggesting that the focus of legal control lies in the supervision of emergent legislation and emergent measures.

  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】340

