

The Study of Improving and Extension on Cotton Production of Jiangsu Province (1927-1937)

【作者】 任旭杰

【导师】 李学昌;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 江苏省地处太湖流域,适宜的风土气候,为棉花的种植提供了天然条件。随着棉区的不断扩大,江苏省的植棉业与棉纺业齐头并进,最终发展成为全国棉业的中心。晚清通商口岸的开放,使得先进的纺织技术在上海等重要通商口岸落根发展。机器纺织业迅速兴起,逐步将传统土布业排挤出主流地位。土布业的衰落对江苏省植棉业来说,最大的冲击就是原棉销售市场的萎缩。传统棉种由于难以满足机器纺织的高品质要求,而屡遭国内外纱厂的排斥,海外优质原棉取而代之。这种局面在第一次世界大战后更趋严峻,改进棉产成为挽救江苏省棉业的唯一出路。在民族棉纺业团体和农科院校已无力承担这一重任的情势下,政府当局成为棉产改良与推广的主导力量。江苏省的棉产改良与推广开始从北洋政府时期的“政府提倡,民族实业家团体及农科院校主持”阶段,向“政府主持”阶段的过渡,并在全国经济委员会棉业统制委员会成立后,进入了“政府统制棉业”阶段。1927-1937年的江苏省棉产改良与推广,是在江苏省建设厅、江苏省立棉作试验场、江苏省棉区各县政府及县农业推广所主持下展开的。主要涉及研究试验、良种推广、辅助推进等环节的各项具体工作。上述工作的规划、原则、程序,都不乏科学合理的成分,但是由于经费不足、人才短缺、组织不善、农民教育未予普及、金融机关的投机、政府实业规划重点偏向非农领域、关税保护软弱无力、自然灾害的侵袭破坏等多重影响与制约,使得诸多关键性工作难以适时协调或顺利开展,以至收效不佳,与全省范围内扩大棉区、普及良种的目标相去甚远。第一章以江苏省植棉业发展的历史脉络为主线,突出植棉业在江苏省农村经济中的传统优势。同时,结合历史背景,分析江苏省植棉业在清末至南京国民政府成立这段时期内所受到的冲击与挑战,说明棉产改良与推广的紧迫性。第二章通过对江苏省棉产改良与推广历史轨迹的回溯,体现1927-1937年江苏省的棉产改良与推广的阶段性特点,进而对这一时期江苏省棉产改良与推广主持机构的组织概况作一简介。并从研究试验、良种推广、辅助推进等工作环节,研究分析1927-1937年江苏省棉产改良与推广各项具体工作的目标、原则、程序,总结其合理成分与积极意义。第三章以棉产改良与推广各项具体工作为重点,分析影响其进程及效果的内部制约因素;并以政府对农业建设的态度、关税保护能力、自然灾害等为研究对象,分析这一系列外部因素,如何制约棉产改良与推广的进程。最后,以抗战前夕江苏省棉产现状为依据,对江苏省棉产改良与推广的总体效果作出判断。结语部分对1927-1937年江苏省棉产改良与推广的合理成分与经验教训,进行总结与升华,提出借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 As located in the Taihu basin, Jiangsu Province takes advantage of the suitable climate, with a natural well condition for cotton planting. Along with expanding of cotton region, the Cotton Planting Industry and Textile Industry of Jiangsu province progressed together; and this area became the center of the country’s cotton industry. The Late Qing dynasty’s opening of treaty port developed advanced weaving techniques in many main treaty ports such as Shanghai. The traditional Handicrafts Industry was pushed out of mainstream gradually by rapidly arisen Manufactured Weaving Industry. As the Handicrafts Industry camedown, the biggest impact for Jiangsu Province’s Cotton Planting Industry is the shrinking of cotton wool market. Traditional cotton seed, which hard to get high quality needed by manufactured weave, was frequently excluded by domestic and abroad spinning mills. As a result, abroad high quality cotton wool replaced it. This condition became seriously after the First World War. And the sole way for Jiangsu Province’s Cotton Industry was the Improving and Extension on Cotton Production.The government authorities became the main power of the Improving and Extension on Cotton Production, because either the ethical organization of cotton production or the agricultural and scientific colleges couldn’t assume such task any longer. From the stage of ’Advocating by government, Managing by ethical organization of cotton production, agricultural and scientific college in the Period of Beiyang Administration of Qing Dynasty’ to the stage of ’Managing by government’, the Improving and Extension on Cotton Production of Jiangsu Province finally got to the stage of ’Government control Cotton Production’ after the setup of the Controlling Commission of Cotton Production of National Economic Commission.From 1927 to 1937, the Improving and Extension on Cotton Production of Jiangsu Province was carried out and managed by the Construction Department of Jiangsu Province, Cotton Proving Ground of Jiangsu Province, cotton regions’ county government and county office of agricultural extensions in Jiangsu Province. The whole course of Improving and Extension on Cotton Production concerned many specific works, such as research and trial, extension of high quality cotton seed, auxiliary propulsion etc. Much program, principle and procedure of those works was scientific and reasonable. However, many critical works couldn’t be timely harmonized or nicely done. Because of many disadvantages, such as lack of outlay and talent, faulty organizing, shortcoming on education of farmers, speculative financial institution, favoring non-agriculture field of government’s industry programming, disability of tax protection, natural disaster and so on, the result of Improving and Extension on Cotton Production was far from the aim of expanding cotton region and popularizing high quality cotton seed in Jiangsu Province.Chapteri: According to the history of Cotton Planting Industry of Jiangsu Province, this part stands out traditional predominance of Cotton Planting Industry in rural economics of Jiangsu Province. And then analyzes the impacting and challenge which Cotton Planting Industry of Jiangsu Province faced during the period from Late Qing dynasty to the establishment of Nanjing Nationalist Government combining the history background, and explains the necessity of Improving and Extension on Cotton Production.Chapter2: By tracing the history of the Improving and Extension on Cotton Production of Jiangsu Province, this chapter represents the phase character of the Improving and Extension on Cotton Production of Jiangsu Province from 1927 to 1937, and makes a brief introduction of organization that managed the Improving and Extension on Cotton Production. Then Aiming on research and trial, extension of high quality cotton seed and auxiliary propulsion, this chapter researches and analyses the aim, principle and procedural of each specific work included in the Improving and Extension of Cotton Production. And then summarizes the reasonable elements and positive significance.Chapter3: This chapter analyses the internal factors which influence the course and effect of the Improving and Extension of Cotton Production taking specific works as a key. In order to make the understanding of Improving and extension on cotton production of Jiangsu Province from 1927 to 1937 more objective, this chapter also researches the external factors which restrict the process of Improving and extension on cotton production of Jiangsu Province, such as the attitude of the government on agricultural construction, the ability of tax protection, natural disaster and so on. And then estimates the effect of the Improving and Extension on Cotton Pproduction of Jiangsu Province according to the status quo of Jiangsu Province’s cotton production before the breakout of the War of Resistance Against Japan.Epilogue: This part summarizes and sublimes the reasonable elements and restricting factors of Improving and extension on cotton production of Jiangsu Province from 1927 to 1937; and then brings forward the significance on reference.

【关键词】 江苏省棉产改良推广
【Key words】 Jiangsu Provincecotton productionimprovingextension
  • 【分类号】K263;F329
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】150

