

The Relations between Scythians and the Greco-Roman World

【作者】 刘雪飞

【导师】 沈坚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 斯基泰人(Scythians)又译成西徐亚人,是上古时期生活在南俄草原的一支操伊朗语的游牧民族。作为早期铁器时代的游牧民族,她承上启下,孕育出较为典型、成熟的游牧文化,为以后的游牧文化提供了一定的范式。同时,她还是东方游牧民族西迁的先驱,与周邻的农耕世界尤其是古希腊罗马交往频繁、关系密切,在当时所谓的“蛮族”群体中扮演了重要的角色。因此,斯基泰人无论在纵向还是横向上,即在古代游牧民族历史上和上古时期南俄草原及黑海地区,都具有重要的地位,影响重大,对斯基泰人的研究也因而具有重要的意义。通过研究斯基泰文化,我们可以了解到游牧文化的成因、游牧民族文化的本质和特征,通过研究斯基泰人的文化,进而可以了解到诸草原游牧文化之间的相互关系,尤其是文化上的传承、种族的更叠等。不仅如此,研究斯基泰人与农耕世界的关系,还有利于我们了解古典时期希腊罗马与蛮族的关系,从而可以明晰游牧文明对世界文明的贡献、游牧文明在与农耕文明交往过程中自身的走向等问题。本文的写作即是基于这种的思考。全文由绪论、正文和结语三部分组成:绪论分两节,第一节界定了斯基泰人的定义,明确本文使用的是狭义斯基泰人这个概念。第二节总结介绍了国内外斯基泰人研究的历史及现状,指出了本文写作的基础和新意。正文部分第一章,着重介绍了南俄草原斯基泰人的一些基本状况,包括其生活的南俄草原的地理环境、与其他族群的关系以及自身的历史、文化等。第二章,是本文的重点所在,主要探讨了斯基泰人与希腊人的关系。在简单介绍黑海北岸希腊殖民城邦的建立状况后,先从全局纵向上对斯基泰人与希腊世界的交往做了梳理,接着探究了某些具体的希腊城邦与斯基泰人之间的关系,考察了希腊-斯基泰艺术的形成过程。最后对两者之间的关系作了总结性评论,探讨了斯基泰人此时未能“希腊化”的原因。第三章,则主要论述了进入罗马时代后斯基泰人与希腊罗马世界的交往。通过对斯基泰人对外政治军事、经济文化交往的描述,指出此时的斯基泰人加速了农业化、定居化和希腊化过程,在生活方式、文化类型上做出了重大抉择。但随后,哥特人的入侵则打断并终结了斯基泰人刚刚开始的希腊化进程。结语部分从纵向上对斯基泰人文化的变迁作了总结,并就其对外交往水平作了简短评论。

【Abstract】 Scythians was an ancient nomadic ethnic groups who lived in the southern Russia steppe and spoke Iranian. As the nomads of the early Iron Age, Scythians developed the typical developed nomadic culture, which provided a certain model of the coming nomadic culture. At the same time, as the precursors of eastern nomads who migrated west earlier, Scythians affiliated with the near agricultural world especially the ancient Greco-Roman world frequently, so Scythians played an important role in the so-called "Barbarians" groups at that time. In a word, Scythians played an important part and had a significant impact on the history of the ancient nomads, the southern steppe and the Black Sea. Therefore, the research of Scythians is of great significance. Through the research of the Scythians’ culture, we can learn the causes of the nature and characteristics of the nomadic culture, and then know the mutual relations among the nomadic cultures, especially the inheritance of culture and the change of races etc. Besides, the research of the relations between Scythians and the agricultural world can also help us know the relations between the Greece-Roman world and the barbarians, and then understand the contributions of the nomadic civilization to the world civilization and the history movement of the nomadic civilization in the process of exchanging with the agricultural civilization etc.This paper is the production of those thoughts.It consists of three parts.The introduction consists of two sections. The first section defines the conception of Scythians and clearly shows that this paper uses the Scythians in a narrow sense. The second part concludes the history of Scythians’ research and the temporary situation and points out the foundation and novelty of the paper.Chapter one mainly describes the basic situations of Scythians in the southern Russian steppe, including the geographical environment of southern Russian steppe, the relations between Scythians and other ethnic groups and the history and culture of Scythians etc.Chapter two is the main part of this paper which probes into the relations between Scythians and Greeks. After simply introducing the foundation of the Greek colonial city-states in the northern Black Sea, this paper reviews the intercourse between Scythians and the Greek world in the whole and then discusses the idiographic relations between Scythians and some Greek city-states and the formation process of the Greco-Scythian art. Finally, this chapter makes a conclusion about the mutual relations and estimates the level of relations between them and discusses the reasons that Scythians could not carry through Hellenization.Chapter three mainly dissertates the relations between Scythians and the Greco-Roman world in Rome era. Through the description of the political and military diplomacy, foreign trade, culture intercourse of Scythians, this chapter points that Scythians accelerated the process of settlement and agriculturation andhellenization and made a big choice in the aspect of life style and types of culture.In the end, this paper concludes the cultural vicissitude of Scythians according to time logic and gives a simple evaluation about its level of foreign exchanges

  • 【分类号】K125;K126
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】475

