

The Relationship of Government and Universities: From the Respective of Gnvernance Theory

【作者】 刘莹莹

【导师】 戚业国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 政府与大学间的关系问题,是自大学产生之日起就始终困扰着政府与大学双方的世界性历史问题。如何处理好大学与政府间权力的平衡关系,在保证政府对大学的必要管理的前提下,给予大学较大的自我发展空间,使其“学术自由”、“大学自治”的传统大学理想得以承袭和张扬,是在800多年来的大学发展过程中政府与大学所共同面临的重大问题。我国的大学是在民族危机之际政府主导下建立起来的西方“技能”的传播机构,从源头上就与政府有着密不可分的联系。在我国近代大学产生的100多年的过程中,我国政府习惯于将其看作自身的下属机构来进行管理,而大学自身对政府有着各种惯性的依赖。改革开放以来,随着大学办学规模与社会影响的扩大、自我意识的增强及我国政府行政体制改革的进一步深化,我国的政府开始主动向高校“放权”,强调政府与高校的关系在权能方面的重新调整,进一步明确政府和高校在发展中的权力与责任。因此寻找到政府与高校新的平衡是目前我国政府与高校改革中亟待解决的历史性问题。本文围绕“政府与大学问的共同基础寻求、政府与大学关系的历史比较分析及治理理论视角下政府与大学新型关系的建立”这一思路展开,主要分为四个部分:第一部分,通过对政府公共职能及其实现途径的剖析,明确政府在实现公共职能的过程中离不开具有重大社会影响能力的大学的支持,大学在政府公共职能实现中的重要作用,是任何其它社会机构和个人所无可替代的。大学为政府政治职能的实现提供了合格的统治人才及高端的科技支持;为政府经济职能的实现提供了重要的人力资源与知识信息;为政府文化职能的实现提供了传承与批判的力量以促使文化的整合与创新。因此,政府在实现社会公共职能的过程中需要大学,大学完全可以成为政府实现其职能的重要推动力量。第二部分,通过对大学自身理想与价值追求的内在发展逻辑的解析,明确大学在自身发展的过程中通过承担社会公共责任客观上满足了政府对其的各种要求,政府公共职能的实现与大学自身发展逻辑是相一致的。政府与大学在社会公共责任的实现上具有重要的共同基础,由此得出在理论上政府对大学的管理与大学自身的发展是不相矛盾的,政府能够在不影响大学内部发展的前提下对大学进行管理。第三部分,通过对历史上中西方政府对大学管理方式的发展回顾,分析大学产生以来政府对大学各种管理方式的优点与不足,指出在不同的历史条件下,政府对大学的管理若遵循二者的共同基础,就能够促进政府与大学的共同发展,反之,则可能二者皆损。第四部分,运用治理理论这一当下流行的公共管理的分析视角,运用第二第三部分的研究结论,尝试以治理理论为基础提出在政府与大学之间建立权力主体多元、权力运行方式双向互动的协商、合作的新型关系以促进政府与大学的共同发展。

【Abstract】 The relationship between the government and universities, which is a worldwide historical problem, has always been troubling both the government and universities since the appearance of universities. How to keep balance between two sides, giving universities more space for self-development and for inheriting and developing the traditional ideals of "Academic Freedom" and "University Autonomy" is still the critical issue faced by both sides during the 800 years’ development of universities.Chinese universities, born under the national crisis, were a tool of spreading western skills. Therefore, government and universities are inextricably linked. For more than 100 years, the government has been used to regarding universities as its own subordinate bodies, and universities are depend on the government on a variety of ways. Since the opening reform, universities have own great progresses in size, social impact and self-awareness. And the government has begun to take initiative in "decentralization", stressing the re-adjustment of power and function, clarifying each community’s power and responsibility in further development. As a result, looking for new balance has become the essential historical issue in the reform of the government and universities.Focusing on "seeking common ground, historical comparative analysis and developing new relationship from the perspective of management theory", this paper could divide into four parts:Part one. Analyzing the government’s public functions and how they are realized, address the inseparable support universities provide in the realization of the government’s public functions. Universities have been playing an irreplaceable role in realizing public function. Universities provide the government with qualified personnel and advanced technology support for the implementation of its political functions, with critical human resource and knowledge for the implementation of economic function, and with power to promote cultural integration and innovation for implementation of its cultural function. Universities could be the driving force for realizing government functions. Part two. Discuss the inherent logic of development of universities’ own pursuit of ideals and values; make clear that universities have met the government’s requirement objectively by undertaking public responsibilities. The implementation of government functions is consistent with universities’ developing logic. Government and universities share the same ground in the realization of social public responsibilities, theoretically, the management of the government to universities and the universities’ own development is not in contradiction.Part three. Review the management methods of both Chinese and western government, discuss the advantages and disadvantages in theirs ways of university management. If the government and universities would follow the common basis, they could develop collaboratively.Part four. From the perspective of the governance theory, using conclusions drawing from the second part and the third part, try to develop a new collaborative relationship labeled by multiplicity of the power body, and two-way interactive mode of operation between the government and universities.

【关键词】 政府大学关系治理理论
【Key words】 governmentuniversitiesrelationshipgovernance theory
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1417

