

Investigation and Analysis on Application Abilities of Information and Technology Using in Teaching of Teachers in Primary and Secondary School of Kunshan City and Training Strategies

【作者】 梁雁

【导师】 任友群;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 信息化是当今世界发展的潮流,是国家社会发展的趋势,信息化水平已成为衡量一个国家现代化水平和综合国力的重要指标。积极推进国家信息化是我国国民经济和社会发展的重要战略举措。提高国民的信息素养,培养信息化人才是国家信息化建设的根本,教育信息化是国家信息化建设的重要基础,而教师教育信息化是教育信息化的重要组成部分,也是推动教育信息化建设的重要力量。信息化对中小学的教育思想、观念、内容、方法等方面都产生了很大的影响。要想培养具有较高信息素养的学生,建设一支具有较高信息素养的教师队伍是关键。但目前的中小学教师在应用信息技术进行教学方面还存在很多问题,远远没有达到信息化社会所提出的要求。本论文对昆山市中小学教师信息技术应用能力进行了调查,分析了教师应用信息技术进行教学所存在的问题,并提出了相应的培训对策。本论文由四章组成:第一章,重点介绍了要研究的问题、研究的背景及目的、方法与意义;第二章,对国内、国外教师信息技术培训的现状进行了描述和分析;第三章,通过分析昆山市中小学教师信息技术应用能力调查问卷,提出了目前该市中小学教师应用信息技术进行教学以及教师信息技术培训中存在的问题;第四章,针对问题,从资金投入、培训机构和人员选择、培训分析、培训内容设置、培训形式选择、培训时间安排、培训评价实施等方面,提出了培训的对策。

【Abstract】 Using Information and Technology in every domain of society is the global developing trend, and the Information Technology developing and using level is one of the key indicators of the modernization level of a country. It is the key strategic initiative in economic and social development to accelerate the construction task of using Information and Technology. The basic task of information capacity construction in our country is to enhance national quality and cultivate people with IT (Information and technology) skills, accordingly IT in education becomes the important foundation of the IT in society. And IT in teacher education is the primary component of IT in education; it can promote the process of using IT in education.Information and Technology makes a great difference to concepts of education, course contents and teaching methods. Building up a contingent of teachers with high IT skills is the foundation of preparing students with higher IT skills. But now there are many problems in using Information Technology in teaching of teachers in primary and secondary school, and there is a great gap between realities and ideals.This paper investigates the application abilities of Information and Technology using in teaching of teachers in primary and secondary school of Kunshan City, and analyzes the problems in teachers using Information and Technology in teaching, finally puts forward the training strategies. This paper consists of four chapters:Chapter one: A statement of the topic, background, purpose, way of research and the meanings;Chapter two: Description of the current situation of domestic and overseas Information and Technology training for teachers;Chapter three: Analyze the questionnaire of the application abilities of Information and Technology using in teaching of teachers in primary and secondary school of Kunshan City; find the problems in using Information and Technology in teaching and problems in Information and Technology training for teachers;Chapter four: Put forward the training strategies in several facets, such as investment in teacher training, selection of training organizations and specialist, design and development of training curriculum and content, selection of types and means of training, arrangement of training schedule, implementation of evaluation of training effects.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】773

