

A Study of Bilingual Teaching for Mathematics in Elementary School

【作者】 张丽英

【导师】 徐斌艳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 双语教育在国外许多国家取得了成功。近年来,随着经济全球化进程和改革开放步伐的加快,我国不少地区拉开了双语教学的帷幕。数学因其学科特点成为首先实验的双语学科,而已有的相关研究大多数是停留在对小学数学双语教学的经验介绍的层面,缺乏必要的理论提升与整合。本研究尝试通过理论分析和实践思考,试图创建一套对当前小学数学双语教学具有一定现实指导意义的小学数学双语教学模式。本文主要由五个部分构成:第一章引言部分介绍了本文的研究意义、研究方法和论文框架。第二章是双语教学的发展与现状。本章从双语教学的发展、双语教学概念的界定、当前双语教学的主要模式、双语教学的现状四个方面对双语教学的相关理论进行了简单的论述。第三章是小学数学双语教学研究。本章首先分析小学数学双语教学的研究现状,然后从小学数学课程标准的特点和新课程标准下的小学数学双语教学两大方面详细论述了小学数学双语教学。第四章是个案研究。本章首先描述了杨浦小学的双语教学概况,然后从教师、学生、教学模式、教材、课堂教学、经验六个方面阐述并分析杨浦小学数学双语教学的实施情况,并详细分析了两个教学案例,最后结合小学数学双语教学理论知识对杨浦小学的数学双语教学存在的问题进行了深入的探讨并提出拟解决的方法。第五章是结论与展望。总结了小学数学双语教学的主要内容,指出小学数学双语教学存在的困难,并提出几点建议。

【Abstract】 Bilingual education has been successful in many other countries. In recent years, with the expediting of the economic globalization and the process of reform and opening, bilingual teaching has begun in many areas. Mathematics has been the first experimental bilingual subject just because of its characteristic, while most of the relevant studies focus on the introduction to the experience of bilingual teaching for mathematics in elementary school, and lack essential theory promotion and integrity. This research attempts to found a set teaching pattern of bilingual education for mathematics in elementary school having certain reality instruction significance to the current bilingual education for mathematics in elementary school through theoretical analysis and practice thought.The final paper mainly consists of five parts:The first chapter, as an introduction, introduces the research significance, research methods and the organization of the paper.Chapter 2 shows the bilingual education development and the present situation. This chapter has carried on a simple elaboration to the related theories of bilingual education from four aspects-the bilingual education development, the definition of bilingual education, the main patterns of the current bilingual education, the present situation of bilingual education.Chapter 3 is the study of bilingual education for mathematics in elementary school. This chapter first analyzes the present situation of the research on bilingual education for mathematics in elementary school, and then particularly discusses bilingual education for mathematics in elementary school from two aspects-the characteristics of the curriculum standard for mathematics in elementary school and bilingual education for mathematics in elementary school under the new curriculum standard.Chapter 4 is a case study. This chapter firstly describes the general situation of Yanpu Primary School’s bilingual education; secondly elaborates and analyzes the implementation situation of Yanpu Primary School’s bilingual education from six aspects-the teacher, the student, the educational model, the teaching material, the classroom instruction, experience; thirdly analysis two teaching cases in detail; finally carries on a thorough discussion to the existing questions to bilingual education for mathematics in Yanpu Primary School combining the academic knowledge about bilingual education for mathematics in elementary school and proposes planned solving method.Chapter 5 is the conclusion and the forecast. It summarizes the main content of bilingual education for mathematics in elementary school, points out the difficulty existing in bilingual education for mathematics in elementary school, and puts forward several proposals.

  • 【分类号】G623.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】780

