

【作者】 邢翠红

【导师】 刘占文;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医养生康复学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,排毒思想在社会上很盛行,它的产生有其特定的时代背景,与现代社会的自然环境、社会环境、人们生活方式、人类健康和疾病状态表现等方面有密切关系。随着社会经济文化的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对健康的关注程度也在不断提高。面对医疗技术和手段不断进步,但许多疾病依然难以根治的矛盾现状,以及随着疾病谱的变化,高血压、糖尿病、肥胖、恶性肿瘤、心脑血管疾病等慢性病成为现代世界上首要的死亡原因,人们逐渐意识到自我在维护健康中的重要作用,养生保健越来越受到人们的重视,新的养生思想也不断涌现,排毒即是现代流行的一种养生思想。排毒虽盛行于现代社会,但中医养生很早就有对于“毒”的论述和阐发。虽原先并无“排毒”一词,但中医许多思想理论中均孕育着排毒思想的基础。现代排毒思想实际上继承于传统中医养生观点,虽有一定发展,但在对于毒的概念、内涵、外延及排毒的含义、方法手段等问题上尚缺乏明确、全面的认识,导致人们在对排毒的认识和实践上都存在一些模糊认识。本文在大量相关文献研究的基础上,从对排毒思想盛行的时代背景分析上阐述排毒的必要性和重要意义;从分析毒的本义入手,对毒的概念、内涵、种类来源、危害等进行全面探讨,以正本清源,拨乱反正,明确人们对毒的认识;从中医整体观念出发,阐述排毒的全面含义以及排毒的原则,对排毒的方法手段进行汇总整理,以期更好地指导人们进行排毒实践。并在以上研究的基础上,提出新的思考,着重强调毒与量、毒与正气不足、毒与郁、毒与生活方式、毒与体质等的关系,并相应提出结合个人体质,以调整生活方式为关键,以培正补虚为根本的排毒观点。

【Abstract】 The idea of expelling of noxious substance is very fashionable these years. It appears under a specific background and is closely related to the entironment,modern social environment and people’s way of life, human health and disease status.People`s concern on health has been advancing with the development of social economic and cultural and improvement of people’s living conditions. Facing the contradiction that there are still many helpless diseases while the medical technology and means are keeping developing and the fact that some chronic diseases have became as the primary cause of death in modern world such as hypertension, diabetes, fatness, cancer cardio - cerebral vascular diseases and so on, people gradually became aware of the important role played by themselves on health preservation. Health preservation attracts increasing attention and new concepts of health preservation come into being, one of which is the concept of excreting toxin.Although the mind of expelling of noxious substance is popular in modern social, TCM have explained and discussed noxious substance about long before. Many ideas of TCM contain the theoretical Basis of expelling of noxious substance while there is not a definite saying as " expelling of noxious substance ".In fact the modern mind of expelling of noxious substance, which is developed to some degree, is descending from ancient health preservation of TCM.But the mind still lack a clear, comprehensive understanding on concept, connotation and denotation of noxious substance and meaning, the means and methods of expelling of noxious substance, so that it leads people to a vague understanding and practice on the concept of expelling of noxious substance.By studying large of related literature, this paper have expounded the necessity and significance of expelling of noxious substance by analysis the background; made a fully explore on the concept, content, type of source, endangering of expelling of noxious substance by analysis the original meaning of noxious substance, so as to make people clear about what is noxious substance; based on holistic concept of TCM,expounded the full meaning and the principle of expelling of noxious substance, collected the means and method of expelling of noxious substance, for guiding practice of expelling of noxious substance well. On the basis of above study, we also raised new thinking, and highlighted the relationship between noxious substance and quality, noxious substance and lack of genuine Qi, noxious substance and stagnation, noxious substance and life style, noxious substance and constitution, and correspondingly raised the perspective of expelling of noxious substance that with the individual physical condition, to adjust lifestyles as key, to strengthening genuine Qi and invigorate the relative deficiency as essential.

  • 【分类号】R212
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1131

