

【作者】 孙实

【导师】 于天源;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 膝关节骨性关节炎的病理除与软骨的退变有重要关系外,其所产生的疼痛、肿胀、畸形、活动障碍等症状,与膝关节周围的软组织因素(韧带等)有密切关系。推拿治疗对这些软组织的作用是肯定的,但实验研究目前较少。基于以往的研究,本课题以日本大耳白兔为受试对象,采用Videman经典造模方法,将兔右后肢从腹股沟到踝关节上方行石膏管型固定,膝关节伸直位,共制动6周。采用推拿手法治疗兔膝关节强直,从病理学和生物力学的角度,探讨推拿对于膝关节骨性关节炎兔的韧带、关节软骨性能的作用,为进一步的深入研究打下基础。本课题研究分为理论研究和实验研究两个部分。理论研究总结了膝骨关节炎的发病情况、病因病理、诊断要点、治疗要点、康复方法。追溯了推拿手法的历史渊源、发展、应用现状、相关的实验,推拿手法基础研究现状等。对古今文献进行了学习和分析、归纳和探讨。实验研究主要包括以下内容1.股胫角测量2.力学试验3.病理学观察实验结果表明推拿组、模型组、正常组的股胫角、内侧副韧带拉伸位移及强度、关节软骨白介素-1、白介素-6平均光密度及关节软骨厚度均有明显差异。结论:本实验通过对推拿组与对照组膝关节制动后关节活动度、内侧副韧带拉伸长度及强度的对照比较、三组兔膝关节关节软骨的标本的病理切片比较,得出推拿对膝骨性关节炎兔的关节功能改善、韧带弹性恢复、延缓软骨的缺失均有明显的治疗意义。通过本课题的研究证实了推拿手法对膝关节骨性关节炎兔的关节活动度、韧带弹性及软骨厚度都有明显影响。为今后临床应用和进一步研究推拿手法治疗膝骨性关节炎提供了实验依据。从病理学和生物力学的角度探讨了推拿对于膝关节骨性关节炎兔的韧带、关节软骨的作用,为进一步的深入研究打下基础。

【Abstract】 Knee joint arthritis of the bone and cartilage pathology, the relationship becomes animportant change, Its produces the ache, swelling, is abnormal, symptom and so on activebarrier, Ligament and so on) has the close relation with the knee joint around soft tissue factor.The massage treatment to these soft tissue functions is firmly, But the experimental study atpresent are less.This topic as receives take the Japanese big ear white rabbit tries the object, uses theVideman classics to make the mold method, after Gypsum is fixed the rabbit right extremityfrom the inguen to the malleolus joint upper limb good gypsum, the knee joint unbends 180positions, altogether applies the brake 6 weeks. Strongly uses the massage technique treatmentrabbit knee joint to be straight, from the biological mechanics and the pathology anglediscussion massage regarding the Knee joint osteoarthritis rabbit’s ligament, the articularcartilage performance function, builds the foundation for the further thorough research.This topic research divides into the fundamental research and the experimental study twoparts.The fundamental research summarized the knee osteoarthritis to arise the situation, the causeof disease pathology, the diagnosis main point, the treatment main point, is restored to healththe method.Has traced the massage technique historical origin, the development, the application presentsituation, the correlation experimental study, the massage technique basic research presentsituation and so on. Has carried on the study and the analysis, the induction and the discussionto the ancient and modern literature.Experimental study mainly including below content:1. Stock shin angle survey2.Biology mechanical testing3.Pathology observationThe experimental result indicated that, The massage group, the model group, the normalgroup’s stock shin angle, the inside ligamentum accessorium viscoelasticity, articular cartilageimmunity group IL-1, IL-6 averages optical density and articular cartilage thickness has theobvious difference.Conclusion: This experiment through after massages the group and the comparison groupknee joint applies the brake the inside ligamentum accessorium to stretch the length and theintensity comparison compares, three groups of rabbits knee joints articular cartilage specimen and the pathological section compare, obtains the massage to the knee osteoarthritis rabbit’sjoint function improvement, the ligament elasticity restores, the cartilage repair has the obvioustreatment significance.Through this topic research, confirmed the massage technique to the knee joint osteoarthritisrabbit’s joint activity, the ligament elasticity and cartilage thickness all has the obviousinfluence. And further will study the massage technique treatment knee osteoarthritis for thenext clinical practice to provide the experimental basis, from the biological mechanics and thepathology angle discussion massage regarding the knee joint osteoarthritis rabbit’s ligament, thearticular cartilage performance function, built the foundation for the further thorough research.

  • 【分类号】R244.1
  • 【下载频次】229

