

Primary Study on Tourism Picking Festival in the Suburb of Beijing

【作者】 杨会娟

【导师】 蔡君;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 旅游管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首次从节事和节事旅游的角度研究北京郊区观光采摘节,从游客、目标市场、接待者等各个角度对观光采摘节进行调查分析,希望能够全面、客观地认识观光采摘节;并使用问卷调查、深度访谈获取大量的一手数据,使论文结论具有可信性和可操作性。论文主要分为四个部分:基础理论分析、观光采摘节基础研究、游客调查研究、影响研究。论文首先探讨了节事的有关范畴和分析的一般框架。在此基础上从节事和节事旅游的角度对观光采摘节这一特殊节事进行了基础性的研究,如概念界定、分类、特点、组织运作方式以及存在的问题等。随后通过游客调查对观光采摘节进行深入的分析,了解游客的动机、满意度、重游意愿等,为观光采摘节的发展提出具体建议。影响研究分为两部分,一是以平谷为例从目标市场那里了解观光采摘节对举办地形象的影响程度;二是对观光采摘节接待者进行深度访谈,研究观光采摘节的经济、社会文化、环境影响。主要的结论包括,观光采摘节是以农业为主题的旅游节庆活动,游客支出的直接受益者就是观光采摘节的接待者;观光采摘节观光采摘节吸引了大量的“节庆旅游者”,但是服务、设施以及环境等都需要改进,产品体系丞需构建;观光采摘节有助于举办地形成较高的形象认同度,所带来的经济影响、社会文化影响、环境影响均是积极的。

【Abstract】 This is the first time for studying Tourism Picking Festival(TPF) in the surbub of Beijing from the event and event tourism. Through surveying and analysing the perception and attitude of visitors, target mraket and the local residents involved in this festival, the author hopes that have a comprehensive understanding to TPF; Also this dissertation uses two methods—visitors survey and in-depth interview to get first-hand information, and make the conclusion creditable and operable.This dissertation has four parts, including fundamental theory analysis, fundamental theory analysis of TPF, visitor surveys and impact study. This dissertation firstly summarizes the concept, classification and general framework of events; And then putting the event and event tourism as the theoretic base of related studies, the paper analyses the concept, classification, characteristic, organizing ways and existed problems of TPF. Thirdly, the paper uses visitor surveys to analyse the motivation, satisifaction and the stated intent to revisit of the TPF and so on, then makes some suggestions for the devlopment of TPF. The last part is devided into two portion. The first portion aims to study if TPF can improve the image of the region, taking Pinggu as an example; the second portion analyses the perception of local residents involved in this festival of the ecnomic effects, social and cultural effects, environmental effects.The Tourism Picking Festival is an event of angriculture, and the local residents involved in this festival benefits directly from the visitors’costs. The TPF attracts a lot of "festival visitors", but the service, establishment and environment need to be improved, and it is also important to establish products system. The TPF helps to improve the image idendity, and has positive effects on ecnomic,social and cultural, environment.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】552

