

Studies on Cultivation and Adaptability of Several Introduced Colored-leaf Plants

【作者】 徐华金

【导师】 张志毅;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究选择20种彩叶植物在成都市进行引种栽培,详细观测了各彩叶植物的物候特点、生长节律及其对引种地的温度、光照、土壤等方面的生态适应性,同时对部分品种的繁殖技术进行了初步研究,为今后彩叶植物在该地区的推广应用及优良品种选育提供理论基础。主要试验结果如下:1.物候观测结果表明,部分品种第1年与第2年的物候存在较大差异,尤其是萌动期和展叶期。与原产地比较,北美红枫花期比原产地提前了35天左右,金叶六道木花期比栽培地晚了20天左右,但观赏性状未改变。大部分彩叶植物生长高峰均在7至8月中旬,且夏季生长量最大,春季生长量次之,秋季最少。2.越冬调查结果表明,美丽红千层与千层金二年生小苗冬季采取必要的防寒措施,有利于苗木的生长。防寒措施中,以用塑料薄膜搭棚覆盖效果最佳,而用多效唑处理及喷施磷钾肥效果较差。越夏及病虫害调查结果显示,除金叶莸、金叶小檗外大部分品种可安全越夏,抗病性均较强。3.光照试验证明千层金、金叶连翘等大部分彩叶植物必须在全光照下才表现最佳色彩,70%光照下10d后叶片有转绿现象。花叶络石耐荫性较强,夏季在25%全光照下枝条总生长量、单枝生长量最大,观赏叶片总数量最多;施肥试验结果显示,千层金施肥后高、冠幅与对照存在显著差异,但叶色与对照没有显著变化。美丽红千层施肥后与对照在株高、冠幅及叶色上均没有显著的差异,表现出对土壤广泛的适应性。4.千层金嫩枝扦插生根率较高,选用ABT1号生根粉800mg/kg浓度处理30分钟,基质选用草碳∶珍珠岩∶蛭石=1∶1∶1,扦插时间于7~8月,生根率可达到78%;花叶柳嫩枝扦插选用ABT6号生根粉600mg/kg浓度处理30s,基质选用蛭石,时间于6月中旬~9月,生根率可达100%;北美红枫生根率低,未用激素处理的插穗生根率为0,用ABT1号生根粉浓度100mg/kg处理6小时生根率为20%左右。5.美丽红千层种子发芽率总体较低,温度为25℃时发芽率相对较高,发芽率可达16.00%,发芽相对较整齐,发芽指数为11.37。赤霉素对美丽红千层种子发芽有一定的促进作用。其中以浓度为50mg/kg处理时,效果较好,发芽率可达18.00%。播种时,以不覆土的发芽率比覆土的发芽率高、发芽速度快。

【Abstract】 The study focus on 20 colored-leaf plants, which were introduced to Chengdu. The phenological properties and the ecological adaptability, such as temperature, illumination and soil, of those plants were observed. And the propagation techniques of several colored-leaf plants were studied. The result of the experiment shows:1. Phenological observation shows that there is a bit difference in phonological between the first year and the second year that after were introduced to Chengdu,especially in germination or frondesce stage of several colored-leaf plants. Compared with the orininal habitat, florescence of Acer rubrum is 35 days earlier, whereas Abelia grandiflora cv. ’Francis Mason’ is about 20 days later, but the ornamental effect of flower ,of the two species, are unchanged. The peak of growth of most of the colored leaf plants come between mid July and mid August, and the plants, in general, grow most quickly in summer, then in spring, most slowly in autumn.2. By observing the ability of those plant wintering ,the result shows that if cold-protection measures should be taken to protect biennial seedlings of Melaleuca bracpeata cv. ’Revolution Gold’ and Callistemon formosus, the seedlings should grow up better. It is better to take advantage of plastic film as a shed covering to protect seedlings, but the effect of disposing paclobutrazol and spraying phosphate and potash fertilizer is not so good .The experiment of overing summer and plant diseases and pests show, except that Berberis rhunbergii ’Aurea’ and Caryoptris Clandonensis ’worester Gold’ ,most of those plants are strong enough to resist diseases.3. Illumination experiment shows that for most of the colored-leaf plants such as Melaleuca bracpeata and Callistemon formosus, when accept whole illumination,the plants can display the beautiful color, if in the 70% of whole illumination, and over 10d,the colorful leafs will turn into green. The shade-tolerant of Trachelospermum jasminoides are strong, which in summer in the 25% of whole illumination, the overall growth of branches and the maximum growth of single branches amount to the peak, the total number of leafs being observed amount to the maximum. Fertilizer experiments show that after applying fertilizer to Melaleuca bracpeata, compare with control ,it has significant change in height, crown, but it has no significant change in leaf color. After applying fertilizer to Callistemon formosus, compare with control, it has no significant change in height, crown and leaf color, which displays its widespread adaptability to the soil. 4. Melaleuca bracpeata cv. ’Revolution Gold’ has high rooting rate of cuttings if young banches are used. Disposed of in 30 minutes with ABT1 of concentration 800mg/kg, mixed with 2 oxalic carbon plus 1 pearl rock along with 1 roseite, during the summer time of July and August, the rooting rate of cuttings can amount to 78%. The experiment of the rooting rate of cuttings of Salix Integra cv. ’Hakuro Nishiki’ shows that if disposed of in 30 minutes with ABT6 of concentration 600mg/kg,and select roseite as medium , the time should be from mid June to September, the rooting rate can amount to 100%. Acer rubrum has a low the rooting rate of cutting .so it is not successful to Survival. If not disposed of hormone, the rooting rate of Acer rubrum is 0. With 100mg/kg ABT1 treatment for 6 hours; its root rate will amount to 20%.5. The germination capacity of Callistemon formosus are always lower . When the temperature reaches 25℃, the germination capacity is comparatively high, which will amount to 16%. The performance of seeding are orderly, whose index is 11.37. Gibberellin treatment can improves to some extent the budding of the seeds of Callistemon formosus, among which if disposed of with concentration 50mg/kg, the most germination capacity can reach 18%. The germination capacity and germination speed of seeds, if uncovered with soil, is better than that of covered.

【关键词】 彩叶植物引种适应性繁殖
【Key words】 colored-leaf plantintroductionadaptabilitypropagation
  • 【分类号】S687
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】1489

