

Study on the Theory Basis of Regional Tourism Cooperation

【作者】 武光

【导师】 韩渝辉;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 在经济全球化和区域一体化日益加速发展的国际背景下,世界各国、地区都成立了各种区域合作组织和签订双边或多边协议加速区域之间合作,旅游合作成为区域合作的一项重要内容。目前学术界对区域旅游合作的理论研究相对较为薄弱,更多地侧重于研究区域旅游合作的个案研究。同时,个案研究偏重于区域旅游合作的问题、对策和措施研究等方面,对其理论基础则较少涉及,区域合作理论研究尚处于起步阶段。本文以区域旅游合作为研究对象,基于对区域旅游合作实践的研究,及对现有理论的综合和再思考,深入研究了区域旅游合作理论基础、理论框架和合作模式,并就川渝两地旅游合作进行了探讨。本文分为六章:第一章为绪论。全面回顾了国内外关于区域旅游合作的研究,对现有研究进行了分析和述评。通过分析,本文发现目前研究过多侧重于个案研究,对理论方面的研究偏少,在此基础上作者提出了本文的研究内容、研究框架和研究方法。第二章为相关理论。根据区域旅游合作跨学科的特性,本文提出了应以经济学和地理学为其基础,主要涉及要素禀赋理论、市场区位轮、核心-边缘理论、点-轴理论、博弈论以及产业链理论等理论,并阐述这些理论的内容、作用和特点。第三章为必要性分析。区域旅游合作的产生并非是一个偶然的现象,它是由内外因素共同合力而成的。本文从发展背景、机理和博弈三个方面进行了分析,为深入了解区域旅游的机理和理论框架的构建打下坚实的基础。第四章为理论框架研究。区域旅游合作的理论研究缺乏,对于理论框架的构建更是较少涉及。本文以区域旅游合作的理论基础为基点,从区域旅游合作的基本概念、指导思想和原则入手,围绕区域旅游合作的构成要素、合作类型、合作阶段、合作模式等方面来构建区域旅游合作的理论框架。第五章为合作模式研究。区域旅游的合作涉及面广,所以其合作模式也应考虑多方面因素。本文提出了以空间组织结构为基础,以政府协作、产业组织为两翼来构建合作模式,并将区域旅游合作的结构模式分为两类即地域间隔类和地域相邻类,提出来了离散结构模式、点线结构模式和圈层结构模式。并以川渝为案例,进行了详细分析。第六章为结论。对本文的主要观点进行了总结,并反思了文章的不足之处,对进一步研究的方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Under the international background of economic globalization and regional integration which is developing rapidly, all the countries and areas in the world have set up various regional cooperation organizations and signed bilateral or multilateral agreements which have accelerated the cooperation between areas. Tourism cooperation is becoming an important one. At present, the academic circles’theoretical studies to regional tourism cooperation are relatively weak. They mostly put more emphasis on the case study of regional tourism cooperation particularly such as the problems, countermeasures and measures studying, especially lacking of theory studies. The theoretical studies to the regional cooperation are still in the early stages. Being based upon the research to the practice of regional tourism cooperation and for its integration and rethinking, this paper which is on the purpose of regional tourism cooperation studied the rationale, theoretical frame and the cooperate pattern of the area tourism cooperation deeply, and also carried out investigations between Chengdu and Chongqing.The paper consists of six chapters:The first chapter is the introduction. Reviewing the home and abroad’studies of the regional tourism cooperation comprehensively, this chapter gives the analysis and comments to the existing studied. The existing studies lay particular emphasis on the case study excessively, which is lacking system research of theory. This chapter puts forward the textual research contents, frame and method on this foundation.The second chapter is the relevant theories. According to the interdisciplinary characteristic of regional tourism cooperation, this paper should take economics and geography as basis, mainly involving endowments theory, location theory, core-periphery theory, pole & axis theory, the game theory and industry chain theory etc, and elaborate their contents, functions and characteristics.The third chapter is the analysis for necessities. The appearance of regional tourism cooperation is accomplished by the inside and outside factors, out of a fortuitous phenomenon. This paper has an analysis from the following three aspects: developing background, mechanism and game, laying a solid foundation for knowing deeply about the mechanism and theoretical frame of regional tourism cooperation.The Fourth chapter is the theoretical frame studies. The theoretical studies of regional tourism cooperation are insufficient, and less to the structure of theoretical frame. This paper takes the regional tourism cooperation rationale as base point, starts with basic concept, guiding ideology and principle of regional tourism cooperation, sets up theoretical frame from inscapes, cooperative type, cooperative stages and cooperative mode etc.The Fifth chapter is the studies of cooperative mode. Regional tourism cooperation involves widely, so the cooperative mode also should consider various factors. This paper puts forward the space framework of organization as basis , and the governmental cooperation and estate organization as structure principle, divides the structure mode of regional tourism cooperation into two kinds, the region gap resembles and the region borders resembles. It puts forward the variable structure, pole &line structure, layered structure, taking Sichuang-Chongqing as a case.The sixth chapter is the conclusion. It carries out a summary on the main viewpoints, rethinks the article’s defects profoundly, and makes an outlook to the direction of the further study.

  • 【分类号】F590
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1295

