

Study on the Analysis, Preparation and Health-care Function of Natural Lycopene

【作者】 李京

【导师】 惠伯棣;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 生物化学与分子生物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 番茄红素是一种具有淬灭自由基功能的开环类胡萝卜素,具有已被证实的防治人体疾病的功能,经济价值显著。从交叉学科的基础科研入手,研发富含番茄红素的功能食品和食品添加剂对提高我国的国民健康水平和发展我国的食品工业具有十分现实的意义。本文所描述的研究工作以我国番茄红素功能性食品的生产技术和产品研发为目标,以目标化合物为中心展开,在分析化学、化学工程学、食品科学、营养学、医学和生物化学多学科交叉点上进行工作,并对所涉及的理论问题作系统的探讨。主要研究内容包括番茄红素的分析与检测方法的建立、天然资源的评估、制备技术的研发、在动物模型中的吸收、转运、分布和代谢规律以及防治疾病功能初探五大部分。研究结果包括:[1]应用UV-VIS反射光谱法建立了番茄果实中番茄红素含量的无损伤、现场检测技术;[2]应用C30-HPLC-PDA-ELSD技术实现了对番茄红素几何异构体的分离,测定了不同顺式异构体的吸光系数,建立了天然番茄红素几何异构体组成的检测方法,为区分和鉴定人工合成品和天然产物奠定了基础;[3]证实了秋橄榄果实中的番茄红素资源具有工业开发价值,并建立了超临界CO2萃取的实验室方法;[4]探索了提高番茄红素超临界流体萃取效率的方法,证明了物料前处理对提高萃取效率起了极其重要的作用;[5]观察了番茄红素在大鼠体内几何异构体组成的变化情况,发现了大量顺式异构体的存在,并证实了几何异构体组成在血清中发生了显著变化;[6]测定了天然番茄红素在大鼠体内的吸收率和在大鼠血清中的动态积累规律;[7]比较了不同番茄红素几何异构体淬灭单线态氧的能力;[8]检测了天然番茄红素是否具有调节血脂作用和抗低密度脂蛋白氧化的功能;[9]首次发现大鼠前列腺内存在番茄红素C31降解片段,并证实其仍具有淬灭单线态氧的能力。这些工作成为我国自行研制和开发高水平天然番茄红素功能性食品和食品添加剂的技术基础,使我国在天然番茄红素的体内代谢和防治疾病功能方面的研究水平有所提高,推动了国内番茄红素制造产业的发展、填补了国内番茄红素研究领域中的部分空白。

【Abstract】 Lycopene is an acyclic cartenoid with a free radical quenching potential and was proved to have the functions of disease protection and cure. It has therefore a significant benefit from market. It is significant for improved public health and food industry development to develop lycopene-contained functional food initially from studies on multible sciences.Studies describled herewith aims at the R&D of production technology and product development of lycopene-contained functional food. Full research was undertaken originally in target compound at the crossing of analytical chemistry, chemical engineering, food science, nutrition science, medicince and biochemistry. In the meanwhile, a fundamental research was performed in related sciences. Major research content covers five aspects: (1) The method development of analysis and detection; (2) The assessment of natural resources, (3) The development of preparation technology, (4) Study on absorption, transportation, distribution and metabolish in animal mode; (5) Disease protection and cure function.Rresults from those studies can be summariazed as follow: (1) A preliminary study no correlationship between the UV-VIS reflection spectrum of tomato fruit surface and the lycopene amount of tomato fruit was undertaken. Based on observation from this study, a damage-free and in-situ detection technique of lycopene amount from tomato was developed with UV-VIS reflection spectroscopy; (2) The geometrical isomers of lycopene were separated successfully on C30-HPLC-PDA-ELSD. The absorption coefficients of Z-isomers were consequently dedermined. The geometrical isomer composition of lycopene could therefore be assessed. Those efforts formed a solid base to identify the natural product from synthetic compound of lycopene; (3) Lycopene resource from the fruit of Autumn oliver was proved to be available for industrial application. An extraction methos of lycopene from the fruit of Autumn oliver by supercritical carbon dioxide was developed at laboratory scale; (4) A method to extract lycopene by supercritical liquid with improved efficiency was developed; Data from this investigation suggested that a proper raw material pre-extraction process was important for a better extraction efficiency; (5) Variation in the geometrical isomer composition of lycopene during its metabolish in rat was assessed. A large amount of Z-isomers were observed. This variation took place in serum; (6) The absorption rate and accumulation in serum of natural lycopene in rat were assessed; (7) Ability to quench singlet oxygen by different geometrical isomers of lycopene was compared; (8) It was detected that whether natural lycopene had functions to regule blood-lipids and LDL antioxidation; (9) A C31 degradation piece of lycopene was found in the prostate gland of rat. It was proved to have a potential for singlet oxygen quenching.Those studies formed the technology development base of natural lycopene-containing functional food and food additive and promoted the research in lycopene metabolish and disease protection and cure in vivo with some novel observations. As a result, those efforts are going to be a driver of lycopene industry development in our country.

  • 【分类号】TS201
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1273

