

【作者】 邢颖杰

【导师】 王云峰;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 江泽民同志在1999年的全国教育工作会议上强调指出:“……特别要高度重视发展农村教育事业,我国12亿人口中,9亿在农村。广大农村人口能否接受良好的教育,是一个直接关系到农村实现小康和现代化的大问题……”。“要把农村教育搞上去,根本在于教师”。由此可见,提高农村的教育质量,加强农村教师的队伍建设已经成为了时代发展的强烈要求。影响农村教师发展的因素是多方面的,其中最主要的是教师的发展需要问题。教师的发展需要是教师获得持续发展的关键动力。本文运用叙事研究的方法,选择了北京郊区的一位农村语文特级教师作为研究对象,对该教师的发展需要及生活经历进行研究,以期为广大农村教师的专业发展提供借鉴。全文共包括五部分:第一章:绪论。这部分包括两个方面的内容:一是阐述了研究教师发展需要的原因;二是梳理了研究教师发展需要的方法——叙事研究。第二章:L老师的故事。这一章共包括四个部分的内容。分别从我与L老师接触的初印象;L老师的代课教师生活;L老师的正式教师生活以及L老师的教研员生活介绍了L老师的发展历程和生活经历。其中,每个阶段的故事从原因、现实表现、挫折三个方面加以阐述。第三章:解释与分析。这一部分内容在第二章的基础上,分析和解释了L老师的发展需要和生活经历的关系。在第一节中分析了L老师发展需要的表现特征:L老师的发展需要呈现出层次性;L老师的发展需要与其对教师职业本质的理解密切相关。在第二节中对L老师发展需要的形成进行了分析:群体的转换是发展需要形成的前提;追求身份的认同是发展需要形成的根源;对群体规范的服从和超越是发展需要形成的催化剂。在第三节中分析了L老师发展需要的影响因素,包括内部条件和外部条件。结束语:这部分内容简要地介绍了笔者在研究过程中的一些想法和本研究中尚需进一步努力的地方。

【Abstract】 In the National Educational Development Conference held in 1999, ex-president Jiang Zemin stressed, "Great importance should be attached to rural education, for there are 0.9 billion out of 1.2 billion people living in rural areas. Whether they can have a good education or not is crucial to the realization of well-being life and modernization in the countryside." So, improving the quality of rural education and reinforcing the development of rural teachers has become a requirement of the social development. There are several factors which put off rural teachers’ development, and the necessity of development is the main one, which is the vital incentive for their constant development. Adopting a new methodology — narrative research, this research chooses a distinguished teacher L who teaches Chinese in the suburb of Beijing and studies his necessity of development and lifeexperience so as to give an example for the development of rural teachers. The thesis is composed of five parts:Chapter One is the introduction, which tells the reason of researching the necessity of teacher’s development and as well explains the method used in this research — narrative research.Chapter Two is about the life story of the teacher L, which includes four parts: my first impression of teacher L; teacher L’s life as a substituting teacher; teacher L’s life as a normal teacher and teacher L’s life as a teaching researcher. The reason, real performance and troubles in different stages will be expounded.Chapter Three, based on Chapter Two, mainly analyses the relationship between the necessity of teacher s’ development and their life experience. The first segment analyses the features of the necessity of teacher L’s of development: the necessity of teacher L’s development shows different layers; the necessity of teacher L’s development is closely related to his understanding of the nature of teaching as a profession. The formation of the necessity of teacher L’s of development is discussed in the second segment, which includes: group development is the precondition for the necessity of teacher L’s development; the change of his role in teaching post acts as the source for the necessity of teacher L’s development; obedience to and transcendence over mass regulation constitutes the catalyst for the necessity of teacher L’s development. The third segment is about the internal and external conditions that influence the necessity of teacher L’s development. Internal conditions include his personality, such as persistency, pursuing progress, down-to-earth spirit, etc. External conditions include his life experience and social environment (covering social economic environment, social group and social innovation).The Conclusion part briefly tells about some ideas arising in the research and certain aspects which need continuing work in this research.The Appendix consists of the outline of interview and excerpts from teacher L’s diary.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】961

