

【作者】 张新颖

【导师】 郑贤君;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国际交流的增强以及对外开放的不断深入,各行、各领域对既懂法律又通英语的复合型、国际型人才的需求日益增加。复合型、国际型法律人才匮乏的问题日显突出。尽管许多高校法学院、系开设了法律英语课程,部分政法、英语院校甚至设置了法律英语专业,以提高法律专业或英语专业(法律方向)的学生的涉外法律事务能力。但从总体上说,我国法律英语教学实践离现实的需要还相差甚远。造成此种现象的原因是多方面的,其中很重要的一点是教学方法缺乏针对性,不能很好地适应培养复合型、国际型法律人才的需要。因此,有必要对法律英语的教学方法进行研究,更好的为社会输送国际型、复合型的法律人才。文章从四个方面对法律英语教学方法进行论述。第一部分首先介绍了法律英语、教学方法、法律英语教学方法的基本概念及特点、研究法律英语教学方法的意义;第二部分阐述了法律英语教学方法的理论依据;第三部分指出法律英语的教学原则、教学内容和教学目标并对法律英语课堂传统的教学方法进行了回顾,根据法律英语的教学原则、教学内容及教学目标指出这些常用的教学方法存在的问题;第四部分进一步分析了法律英语教学方法的制约因素以及创新的思路。进而,提出了法律英语创新的教学方法及评价标准。

【Abstract】 With the development of international communication and Chinese open-door policy, more and more industry need the talented person can grasp of English and law as well. Therefore, people who can good command of English and Law are urgently needed. Many university open Legal English courses, parts of politics and law academy set up Legal English Profession to improve the ability of English professions. But general speaking, the practice of Legal English is very far from theory. There are many reasons, I think, leading to the phenomenon, the most important one is the teaching methods lack of direction and can’t be suitable to cultivate law-English style talented person. Hence, studying the teaching methods of Legal English is necessary to better cultivate international style inter disciplinary talent.There are four chapters in this thesis. Chapter 1 summarizes the conception related to legal English; Chapter two discusses about the theory of teaching methods; Chapter 3 sets forth the current popular teaching methods in university and point out the weak points of these kinds of teaching methods; Chapter 4 describes how to develop teaching methods of Legal English.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】533

