

【作者】 薛冰

【导师】 梁清华;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 物流,作为实践中降低成本的“第三利润源泉”,愈发为当代中国所重视。而伴随着企业物流外包逐步深入,作为物流专业化集中表现的第三方物流,因其提高顾客服务水平、降低成本、增加企业柔性、使主业经营更加集中等优势备受推崇。然而由于发展时间比较短,中国的第三方物流企业步履艰难;而随着中国2005年物流市场的全面开放,跨国物流巨头纷至沓来,由此引发的管理问题也日渐突出。本文的目的在于深入研究第三方物流的法律性质和特征,在此基础上对比国内外物流行业管理体制和立法,并结合我国第三方物流运作中的突出问题,提出完善我国第三方物流管理法律的建议。本文主要从五个方面论述:第一部分概述了第三方物流,介绍了物流及第三方物流的定义、种类以及第三方物流法律关系与特性。第二部分介绍了第三方物流管理,其中包括;第三方物流管理法律调整范围和法律框架。第三部分介绍了国外,特别是美国和日本的第三方物流管理的法律,以及对中国的启发意义。第四部分概述了中国第三方物流管理法律。该部分内容从我国第三方物流的现状谈起,重点讲述了当前第三方物流管理中的突出问题,最后一部分介绍我国第三方物流立法现状和缺陷,并针对管理中的突出问题,提出完善第三方物流管理法律的建议。本文最为突出的特点是:(一)首先阐明关于第三方物流和物流基础理论,容易接近关于第三方物流管理的概念。(二)从第三方物流基础法律关系谈起,引出管理法律的相关内容,由微观到宏观,逻辑性和针对性更强。(三)文章不拘泥于理论研究,在对比中外第三方物流管理模式及体系后,更多的结合中国物流现状,特别是保税物流园等新物流模式,以及新的物流理念,如逆向物流、绿色物流等,分析研究管理法律完善的对策。

【Abstract】 Logistics’function of being“third profit headspring”in cost-reduction practice, has been recognized by current China more and more. With enhancement of enterprise logistics outsourcing, third party logistics (3PL) captures more attention for its advantage in improving service level, reducing cost, adding flexibility, concentrating main business. Otherwise due to short development path, Chinese 3PL companies stump in market, while foreign logistics giants cross the threshold of Chinese market with full access after 2005, as a outcome of which, Chinese 3PL management problems become more and more serious. The purpose of this thesis is to target current situation of 3PL management law, give a good advice in perfecting Chinese 3PL management, after full analysis of 3PL’s legal nature and character, comparison of foreign 3PL management law.In the first part of the thesis, a description on the definition and features of logistics and 3PL are presented.In the second part, scope and framework of 3PL management law are introduced.In the third part, management law and policy of advanced 3PL countries are introduced for Chinese reference.In the fourth part, Chinese 3PL management situation is firstly analyzed, then special attention is given to liability regulation, multi-national 3PL licensing and supervising, Logistics Park, green logistics.In the last part, actuality of Chinese 3PL law is introduced, with emphasis on weak points, then suggestions are given to perfect Chinese 3PL management law system, eyeing one urgent issues’solution.The most remarkable features of the dissertation consist of:1. basic theory of logistics and 3PL is given to make approach to 3PL management easier;2. starting from basic legal relations of 3PL, it is more logical and pertinent to introduce management law of 3PL;3. Chinese 3PL situation and new logistics development and concept have been referred to analyze 3PL management.

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】435

