

【作者】 王文睿

【导师】 盛建明;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 欧盟作为当今世界上经济、政治一体化程度最高的区域性国际组织,在环境保护方面一直走在世界的前列。欧盟环境政策体现了当代环境法的先进思想与经验,具有重要的借鉴价值。随着中欧双边贸易的迅速发展,自由化贸易与环境保护的冲突日渐增多,环境壁垒频频发生。欧盟环境政策对我国与欧盟的贸易往来影响重大。欧盟的环境职能是欧盟一体化过程中增加并不断强化的一个重要的功能领域,欧共体成立之初的《罗马条约》并未将环境保护列入共同体政策的管辖范围,环境法规主要由各成员国自主制定并实施。经过近四十年的发展,欧盟逐渐形成了一套较为成熟和完整的环境政策体系,涵盖了多方面内容的综合立法,环境政策的一体化已经成为欧洲一体化的重要组成部分。本文对欧盟环境政策的发展、决策机制、原则和主要内容进行了详细阐述与剖析,提出了环境与贸易的问题,结合司法实践说明欧盟在政策方面对二者关系的协调,并在此基础上对中欧贸易壁垒主要组成部分的绿色壁垒进行分析与总结,针对我国的应对措施提出建议。本文旨在通过研究欧盟的环境政策及其对中欧贸易的影响,从而对我国经济与社会、环境的协调可持续发展有所启发,为完善我国环境政策体系提供良好借鉴,并进一步促进中欧双边经贸关系的发展。

【Abstract】 As the most politically and economically integrated regionally international organization in the world, the European Union (EU) has been always walking on the front row of the world in the aspect of the environmental protection. European Union’s environmental policy embodies both advanced ideas and extensive experience of the contemporary environmental law, and is worthy to use for reference. With the rapid growth of trade between EU and China, conflicts between trade liberation and environmental protection become much more evident, and environmental barriers occur more frequently. Therefore, European Union’s environmental policy is now and will be significantly influencing the bilateral trade between the EU and China.The function of European Union’s environmental policy was created and strengthened in the process of European integration. At the early period of European Communities (EC), environmental protection was not on the list of EC’s common policy system, and it was mainly constituted and implemented by each member. After nearly forty years development, European Union’s environmental policy already covers various kinds of subjects, becomes an integrated legislation and domination, with its gradual maturation and completion. EU’s environmental policy has been an important part of European integration.This paper elaborated the evolution of EU’s environment policy’s evolution and its main content, pointed out the executive mechanism as well as the principles; then put forward the significance of the relationship between environment and trade, and further illuminated EU’s relevant policy towards this issue with practical justice. Subsequently, green barriers, the main component of barriers for China-EU bilateral trade, was summarized and analyzed, and finally legal suggestion was proposed for the solution of the barrier.The aim to study EU’s environmental policy is to harmonize the relationshipamong economy, society, environment and sustainable development; to provide some reference for the improvement of China’s environmental policy system;and to further promote the bilateral trade relations between China and EU.

  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【下载频次】592

