

【作者】 洪亮

【导师】 李向新;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 水库移民是一项复杂的系统工程,它涉及移民区域及其周边的工农业生产、人民生活、自然资源、社会环境和经济领域的各个方面。在评估和确定水电建设项目的工程经济指标和技术指标时,水库移民问题是一个不可忽视的重要因素。水库移民涉及大量的的空间信息和属性信息,如库区的地形、地质、土地利用分布、生产生活设施分布、人口分布、资源分布、交通、电力和通讯线路的分布等等。过去这些信息往往采用纸地图和表格的形式加以采集、存储和管理。在进行水库移民规划设计和淹没损失分析计算时,精度和效率较低,相关信息的查询和更新也不够方便。地理信息系统(GIS)产生于上世纪60年代末,是一个融合了计算机制图技术和数据库管理技术的新型的功能强大的计算机应用系统。GIS能够高效地实现对各种空间数据和属性数据的管理和操作。如数据的生成、编辑、存储、更新、维护、查询检索、空间分析计算及图形和表格的输入输出。在处理涉及空间信息和属性信息的问题时,GIS又是一个有效的辅助决策工具。研究和开发基于GIS的水库移民管理信息系统,不仅能够促进水库移民规划设计的信息化建设水平,同时也能极大的提高水库移民管理和辅助决策的工作效率和科学性。本文首先分析了大中型水库移民规划设计的一般工作流程及水库淹没区分析的数学模型。其次,根据水库移民所涉及的工作内容和要处理的各种数据,确定了系统设计的技术路线和方法,以及系统的总体框架。系统采用了Geodatabase空间数据模型来进行各种水库移民数据的组织和数据库的建设,该数据模型能有效地解决空间数据和属性数据的存储和关联等问题。同时采用ArcSDE+Oracle平台来建立水库移民数据库,解决了海量数据管理、多种数据格式访问和多用户操作数据等问题。论文还阐述了基于ArcEngine组件进行系统开发的开发环境和一般步骤。最后采用VB.NET+ArcEngine开发模式进行开发,实现了用户管理、数据输入和输出、移民数据查询、淹没区分析、三维显示、报表输出、辅助工具等功能。

【Abstract】 Reservoir resettlement planning is a complex system engineering issure, which affects surrounding industrial and agricultural activities, people’s livings, natural resources, social and economic environment. In the process to evaluate the engineering economic and technological indices of a hydropower project, reservoir resettlement is an innegligible factor. Reservoir resettlement panning involves large amount of sapatial and attributive information, such as, terrain, geology, landuse, indusrial and living facilities, population, resources, transportation, power and communication lines. In the past, this information had been usually crateted, stored and managed in forms of paper maps and tables, which were inefficient, inaccurate and inconvenient in resettlement loss analysis and planning.Geographic Information System (GIS) was borned in the late of 60’s in the last century. The advantage of GIS is that it has integrated computer maping system with database management system, and it can manege and operate various spatial and attributive data enfficently, such as, creating, editing, storing , updating data and maintenance, retrieval, spatial analysis and input and output maps and tables in demands. When processing issues of spatial and attributive information in many research fields, it is a useful decision-making tool. The research and development of a GIS-based reservoir resettlement management information system can promote the application of information technology to reservoir resettlement palnning works; at the same time it can improve the efficencicy and rightness of the works.In this paper, firstly, the general work process of reservoir resettlement planning and submerged area model for large and medium-sized hydropower projects have been reviewed. Secondely, according to the requirements and data to be involved, the technical measures and system framework havebeen clarified and designed. A spatial data model, Geodatabase, has been adopted for reservoir resettlement data management and database construction. With the aid of the data model suggeseted in the paper, the spatial and attributive data can be related and stored well in a unified database. The reservoir resettlement database has been built using ArcSDE+Oracle platform, which has realized the fuctions as mass data management, data access of multiple formats and multiple users operation. The development environment and general procedure for ArcEngine component based system development has been explained too. Lastly, using VB.NET and ArcEngine development enviroments, modules of users management, input and output, resettment data retrieval, submerged area analysis, 3D visualization, report forms output and assist tools have been developed in this research.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】383

