

The Disequilibrium Development of Producer Sevices System and Its Harmonious Establishment

【作者】 鲍晶晶

【导师】 高觉民;

【作者基本信息】 南京财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济水平的不断提高及社会分工的进一步深化,生产者服务业的发展状况与发展水平已经成为衡量一个地区国际化、现代化程度的重要指标,对地区产业结构的优化升级起到了极大的促进作用,也在一定程度上影响了制造业的未来发展。就我国实际情况而言,生产者服务业一直处于缓慢发展的停滞阶段,而且在生产者服务业发展过程中表现出的区域和产业内部发展的“不均衡”现象将在一定程度上制约我国生产者服务业体系的未来发展。因此,在新形势下研究生产者服务业发展过程中的非均衡现状,促进生产者服务业与制造业以及整个国民经济和谐构建成为了产业结构调整与升级中一个亟待解决的问题。本文在系统梳理生产者服务业产业演进、生产者服务业区位集聚、非均衡等相关理论的基础上,分析我国三大经济区域生产者服务业发展的现实状况,并得出结论:我国生产者服务业发展过程中存在非均衡的特点,即区域间发展的非均衡和产业内部各行业间发展的非均衡。同时,指出生产者服务业非均衡发展过程中出现了市场化程度低、投资主体单一、技术和知识投资不足等一系列问题。文章中构建了生产者服务业区域发展的多元回归模型,研究人均收入、工业化水平、城市化水平以及政府政策等在生产者服务业区域发展中的地位与影响作用,试图找出造成生产者服务业区域间发展非均衡的原因;同时,把非均衡增长理论应用于生产者服务业内部并进行一定的拓展,分析价格弹性和需求弹性对各个行业和整个产业发展的作用,并结合实证回归,研究生产者服务业内部发展非均衡的原因。在寻找生产者服务业非均衡的基础上,文章进一步研究了生产者服务业非均衡发展过程中的产业集聚,在肯定产业集聚对地区整体经济有促进作用的同时,分析了其对生产者服务业非均衡发展的重要影响。在实践方面,本文结合生产服务者服务业发展过程中非均衡特点及存在的缺陷,提出生产者服务业发展需要注意三方面的内容,即生产者服务业自身的产业升级、生产者服务业与制造业的和谐发展以及整个生产者服务体系的和谐发展。在生产者服务体系和谐发展方面,文章提出了几点建议:1.灵活选择多种形式的生产者服务业集聚,重点发展知识和密集型产业,通过集聚促进地区经济的和谐发展;2.将生产者服务业发展与城镇化建设相结合,促进生产者服务业与城乡经济、国内国际经济协调发展。3.以制度创新为基础,促进生产者服务业的制度建设与道德建设;4.打破旧有体制的垄断,规范生产者服务业的市场结构。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of economy and the complication of labor division, the producer services become an important index to scale the internationalization and modernization of a region. They play an active role in the optimization and upgrading of the industry structure, and will affect the development of the manufacturing. The producer services in China are in low development at a long time, and have the characteristics of disequilibrium, which will restrict the future of the whole producer services system. So, it becomes an imperative problem to solve in order to accelerate the harmonious development of manufacturing and the national economy.This thesis reviews some theories of producer services and analyses the actuality of the three regions in our country, from which we can gain the conclusion that there exists disequilibrium during the development of producer services——the disequilibrium in different regions and in different sectors. Then we try to find out the reason why this disequilibrium of regions firstly, using the method of setting up a regress model in order to analyze the status and effects of GDP, manufacturing, the level of socialization and the government behaviors. At the same time, the equilibrium theory is introduced into interior of producer services to scale the effect of price elasticity and demand elasticity in different sectors, and we also establish the model, combine which we can research the disequilibrium in the interior of producer services. On the base of finding out the reasons for disequilibrium, the thesis analyzes the industrial cluster of producer services and its effects.In the practice, the thesis analyzes the disequilibrium development of producer services, and there are three problems that should be paid attention: the upgrading of producer services, the harmonious development between producer services and manufacturing, and the harmonious development of the whole producer services. For the last problem, the thesis gives some advices: 1. Every region should choose its suitable cluster modal, which can speed the harmonious development; 2. Every region also should combine the development of producer services and the city town build, and advance the harmonious grow of the economy of cities and countries; 3. Effort should be made to the system build and the moral build on the base of system innovation; 4. The monopoly in the old system should be break out to optimize the market structure of producer services.

  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】301

