

Research of Data Acquisition and Processing System Based on Automatic Test Equipment of AMU

【作者】 黄静静

【导师】 孙毅刚;

【作者基本信息】 中国民航大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 音频管理组件(Audio Management Unit,AMU)是先进客舱娱乐与服务系统(Advanced Cabin Entertainment Service System,ACESS)的组成部分,应用于飞机上音频资源的管理与控制。飞机运营对航空机载电子系统准确性、复杂性和安全性的高要求,使得其维修维护工作极大地依赖于自动测试设备(Automatic Testing Equipment,ATE)。本课题来源于实际工程项目,旨在研制一个用于检测AMU故障的自动测试系统,该系统将对AMU自动完成部件维修手册(Component Maintenance Manual,CMM)所规定的全部功能、性能方面的综合测试。本文首先概述自动测试系统及其在民航领域的应用,并交待课题的背景、研究目标和相关技术要求;然后对待测设备AMU及其部件维修手册CMM进行深入研究,明确了AMU主要测试项目及性能指标;在对高速数据采集卡的硬件以及数据采集方式进行深入了解的基础上,根据虚拟仪器的思想,采用PCI-1711数据采集卡和通用PC平台作为硬件开发平台,使用微软的Visual C++为软件平台,编写高效的数据采集程序,并实现信号波形的实时与动态显示以及对波形的存储等功能;根据件号为2790CB06的音频管理组件CMM手册所给定的测试标准,结合数字信号处理技术及其一些优化算法,如基2-FFT、窗函数、拉格朗日插值、零点捡出技术等,用C++语言编程实现测试信号的精确处理;以TDS5502EVM评估板为基础,用泰勒级数法实现TMS320C5502 DSP正弦信号发生器,完成测试信号发生器核心软件的编写和测试;最后利用约束最小二乘法设计完成A计权滤波器。

【Abstract】 Audio Management Unit (AMU), which is part of the Advanced Cabin Entertainment Service System (ACESS), is used for the management and control of the audio resources in the airplane. Also due to the high requirement for accurateness, complication and assurance of air-borne avionics equipment, the maintenance and failure-diagnoses of aviation electronics system are definitely supported greatly by ATE. This engineering project comes from the requirement of real project, so we develop an ATE for detecting AMU. Cooperating with responding hardware, control software will complete the synthesized functions and performance test of AMU according to the test manual specification. The test runs automatic, and the test results can be got and displayed.Firstly the automatic test system and its application in civil aviation field are summarized, the back ground of the thesis, the objective of the research as well as the technical request are also explained. After lucubrating the working theory of AMU, the main testing items and their characteristics are specified. Then according to the conception of Virtual Instrument, by using PCI-1711 data acquisition card and universal PC as hardware platform of the system and Visual C++6.0 as software platform of the system, this thesis has developed effective data acquisition procedure, and realized the waveform’s realtime and dynamic displaying; According to the testing standards which are described in the CMM of AMU whose number is 2790CB06, combined with some optimizing arithmetics in digital signal processing, such as FFT, method of Lagrange inserting value etc, designed data processing module;Then realized the Sinusoid by using Taylor’s Series in CCS based on TDS5502EVM, and A-weighted filter by using least square method.

  • 【分类号】V241.06
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】220

