

An Agile Function Point Method of Cost Estimation for Information System

【作者】 袁铭

【导师】 赵乃真;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在综合现有软件成本估算方法和理论的基础上,对其进行改进和理论创新,提出一种成本估算的敏捷方法,以期能够显著改善已有模型和方法的准确性、灵活性适用性,为信息系统实施工程管理领域相关经济问题提供有价值的决策支持信息。软件成本估算作为软件项目开发和实施相关经济问题的核心和基础,是软件开发项目管理中最具挑战性也是最重要的活动。只有使用科学的方法对软件项目的规模、工作量、成本做出合理可靠的估算,才能实施良好的项目计划与控制。作为软件工程领域的核心问题,软件成本估算深受研究人员的重视,相继出现了构造性成本模型、功能点方法等模型,并对其不断改进和完善。但软件开发作为一种高动态性活动,自身开发环境差异显著,很难采用单一模型估算成本。与此同时,随着面向对象思想逐步深入软件开发领域,基于RUP和UML的开发工具日渐成熟,原有模型的准确性和显著性值得商榷,这为软件成本估算带来新的研究课题。总之,本文通过分析信息系统开发项目的统计特征,以IFPUG功能点法为基础,建立了敏捷功能点模型;转变静态软件生产率估计为动态估计,充分考虑到人员经验和团队结构的影响,并初步研究了软件复用对系统成本的影响。从而为复杂困难的软件成本提供了更加灵活准确的估算方法。

【Abstract】 This paper improves conventional software cost estimation model and theory and makes theoretic creations, presenting an agile method for cost estimation so as to enhance accuracy, flexibility and extend its scope of contemporary model or method, which is able to assist making decisions through providing valuable information of relevant economic issues within project management domain for developing an information system.As the core and foundation of some relevant economic issues of software development, software cost estimation is the most challenge business of software development project management. Only through scientific means, it is possible to appropriately estimate system’s size, working hours and cost and further make good plans and project control measurements. This central issue still asks some experts concentrate on cost estimation and gradually develop several models like COCOMO or functional point and make further improvements and enhancements. However, since software development is a high dynamic activity which differs in its development environment, it is hard to estimate cost through single model. Meanwhile, as object-oriented thought penetrates into software development fields, software cases based on the UML and RUP has been matured gradually, existing models cannot deal with these new born technology or tools with enough accuracy, which has bred new issues on this domain.In all, on the basis of IFPUG, this paper establishes an agile functional point cost estimation model through investigating statistic features of information system development, while transform static software productivity estimation into an dynamic one. This model also takes human experience and team structure into consideration, preliminarily probing software reuse’s influence on system’s cost and then providing a more flexible and accurate method for facilitating difficult and complex cost estimation.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】160

