

【作者】 霍键

【导师】 刘允洲;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国传媒业飞速发展的今天,中国的科普期刊却始终进步缓慢,成为传媒产业链条上,相当薄弱的一环。然而,在80年代左右,它还一度发展得非常辉煌。由于当时“学科学、爱科学、用科学”的社会环境滋养和广大民众求知热情的高涨,各地的科普期刊发行量都比较可观,《科学画报》甚至可以达到一百几十万,是如今的科普期刊完全无法达到的一个数字。然而,随着传媒市场的迅速变化,科普期刊经历了一场巨大的变革。不管主观上是否愿意,客观上已被迫推向市场、参与竞争已成定局。由于我国科普期刊特殊的历史发展过程,市场化经营不论对科普期刊的主管单位还是编辑出版单位来讲,都是一门全新的课程。在这样一种形势下,许多当年盛极一时的科普刊物发行量急转直下,有些甚至已经停刊或是离开了科普领域。造成这种困境的原因有社会、市场大环境的改变,当然更有科普期刊内部编辑、经营的问题。首先,目前我国科普工作整体式微,缺少支持科普事业发展的大环境,因而,对科普期刊的资金投入也非常有限;在这样一种环境下,中国读者的科学素养很难得到提高,与高速发展的全球科技水平呈现出强烈的反差,有相当一部分读者对科技信息的理解能力不足,无法适应当前的科技水平;同时,在强大的媒体市场冲击下,期刊生存的命脉——读者,也逐渐对科学信息不再感兴趣。另一方面,科普期刊本身,也存在严重的不足:读者定位面临两难的选择,在青少年读者与社会读者间摇摆不定、顾此失彼;市场定位不够科学,存在比较严重的随意性和盲目性;期刊内容的进步跟不上读者阅读欣赏水平的提高,不具备强大的市场竞争力;再加上发行不畅,营销不对路,导致当代科普期刊整体陷入发展的困境当中。面对内忧外患,许多科普期刊开始积极地探寻可行的出路。目前比较普遍的是两种,一种是通过自身的改版,提高刊物质量;另一种是寻求国际合作。但经过了几年的努力后,除《中国国家地理》比较成功外,其他科普期刊仍然没有完全摆脱困境,甚至越陷越深。中国科普期刊的发展正面临一个瓶颈,急需找到问题的根源,并据此探索出一条真正适合的发展之路。因此本文以此为立足点,通过对多份科普期刊的分析归纳,并同国外科普期刊及我国80年代科普期刊辉煌时期的横向、纵向比较,同时,参考理论界对科普期刊的研究成果,撰写了这篇论文。文中阐述了当前科普期刊面临的困境,以及造成这种困境的原因,并以《中国国家地理》和《Newton-科学世界》为例,进行深入剖析,最后总结出对科普期刊发展出路的建议。

【Abstract】 Nowadays the media industry is developing very quickly in China, But there are very few progress for the popular scientific magazines, and they become a extreme weak rings on the media chains, which is so different from the situation in 1980’s,In that period, under the social trend of though of "Learn science, love science, use science" and the increasing needs of the people, which greatly stimulate the publication of popular science magazine. The magazine of "SCIENCE PICTORIAL" has a circulation of over one millions, which record is very difficult to break for a popular science reading material in the present time.The publication of popular science magazines meets a huge revolution in the fast changing of the media market, in which the science magazines publications have been pushed objectively. Apply them to the market that make challenge situation between them is confirmed to be true. This is definitely a new lesson for either publishing company or their governmental supervisor .The circulation of many kinds of pop science magazine get seriously decreased under such influence, Some of them even suspend and drop the scientific field under such influences.The above difficulties are caused by the change of macroscopically environment of both market and society, with the interior management and administration problems in the publishing companies. First, the power of science popularization in China is not strong without thesupport of investment. The level of scientific accomplishment for our readers could not be raised, which is not fit for requirement of the high-speed global developing of technology. A big part of readers have a few capabilities to understand and master the technique information in present times. The readers, the life of magazines, are no longer interest in the knowledge of science, which is being impacted by the variety kinds of contents in pop media.Secondly, the popular science magazines themselves contains serious disadvantage, The location of their readers in either student reader or social reader is uncertain, the location of their market is unsuitable, blind, without discretion. The progress of the content is unfit the daily increased readers’ reading level. Together with the poor publication and sale tactic, All above element put the popular science magazines publication fully in a poor situation of development.A large number of pop science magazines are finding their ways to get out of the trap actively by either making modification or raising the quality of magazines themselves or find international co-operation for improvement. But after years of efforts, Most of them did not get rid of the hard positions except the magazine of "China national geography" .So to find the real root reasons of this problem and find a real suitable way to improve become an urgent mission in front of us.This essay, based on above situations and problems, analyzes andcompares the popular science magazine developing ways in the aspect of countries and periods by using the achievement and research result in theory for reference. It describes exactly the difficulties that the popular science magazines meet and the reason that make it happens. By the example of "China national geography" and "Newton scientific world" The essay tries to give some pieces of advice on the future outlook of way out.

【关键词】 科普期刊困境出路
【Key words】 Popular science magazinedifficult positionway out
  • 【分类号】G239.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】340

