

【作者】 南文豪

【导师】 黄健英;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 从古至今,相近的地理、文化及相同的历史遭遇使中韩两国经贸交流十分活跃。特别是1992年两国建交以来,两国的经贸往来发展更为迅猛。目前韩国已成为中国第三大贸易对象国和第三大投资来源国,同时中国是韩国第一大出口国、第一大贸易伙伴国和第一大投资对象国。在取得巨大成果的同时,近几年来在华投资的韩国企业面临着各种各样的困难,暴露出了很多问题。本文在回顾、分析在华韩国企业近年来出现困难的原因基础上,利用横向和纵向比较,以及计量、数据分析等实证分析方法,对具有典型意义的延边朝鲜族自治州利用韩资情况进行了重点分析。在此基础之上,通过利弊分析给出了新时期延边州更好地利用外资的对策建议。其中文章最后对韩国对华直接投资理论反思及新探索部分是本论文的创新点,也是目前学术界在研究韩国经济的过程中比较关心的问题。通过分析,本文得到的主要结论是:延边州在吸引外资结构上的极不合理性,决定了虽然韩国企业的投资是延边州建设资金的最主要来源之一,但同时也是威胁延边经济安全的重要隐患。另外,虽然韩资对延边地区经济发展做出了重要贡献,但通过FDI Spillover数值分析发现,韩国企业在延边地区的投资并没有给当地企业带来技术溢出效应。

【Abstract】 South Korea is a China’s close neighbor and one of the important economic and trade partners who has similar background in culture and history. So communication especially in economic area between the two countries goes actively from ancient times. Since the two countries established their official diplomatic relations in 1992, the ratio of the investment of South Korea in China to its total overseas investment has increased rapidly. Today South Korea has become the third trade target and the third investment source country of China, at the same time China has become South Korea’s largest export target country and largest investment target country. But in recent years South Korean enterprises met some serious problems as they invested and operated in China.In this essay firstly reviewed the reasons why South Korean enterprises met problems in recent years; secondly analyzed the circs which Yanbian Korean Nationality Autonomous Region(YKNAR) uses FDI that comes from South Korea with methods like widthway and lengthway compare, metrology and data analysis, etc; and then suggested some advice to YKNAR for the better using FDI in the future. The last part of the essay which wrote about the theory of South Korean FDI to China is the innovative part of the essay which is one of the hot issue in the academe.The conclusion is: Because of the non-rationality in FDI source structure, it made FDI from South Korea not only has been one of the most important capital source in economic development but also has been serious hidden trouble to the security of Yanbian economy. In addition, through the analyzing of FDI Spillover data it reveals that FDI from South Korea has not brought FDI Spillover effect to Yanbian area.

【关键词】 国际直接投资韩国延边技术溢出效应
【Key words】 FDISouth KoreaYanbianFDI Spillover
  • 【分类号】F832.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】449

