

【作者】 俸雅妮

【导师】 匡爱民;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 市场经济是一种信用经济,而信用正是目前中国的经济活动中所欠缺的。金融是经济的核心,它的存在和正常运转有赖于良好的社会信用。本文研究的核心问题涉及两个方面:其一,征信制度的建立和完善。其二,金融隐私权的权利本质、价值取向及其保护措施。这里同时涉及信用信息公开和金融隐私权保护之双重要求,两者的内在冲突表现在征信过程的各个环节。本文从相关的基本概念展开,首先对金融隐私权这一内涵丰富的法律权利的创设与演进进行了深入探讨。其次,对我国征信行业发展中存在的法律问题进行了分析和梳理。最后,通过总结国外发达国家在征信和金融隐私保护方面的有效经验,提出了解决上述矛盾的可行建议。本文在研究方法上主要采取了:第一,比较的研究方法。对德国、美国以及日本的征信制度进行比较和借鉴。第二,历史的分析方法。在全面考察征信与金融隐私权的产生与发展历史基础上构筑全文内容。第三,实证的分析方法。对实践中的做法进行利弊分析,提出适合我国国情的征信制度和金融隐私权保护的立法建议。本文不计导论和结语部分,共分成三章七节。第一章涉及征信制度和金融隐私权的基本概念及其理论,第一节阐述征信、个人信用征信、征信制度以及隐私权、信息隐私权、金融隐私权等几个重要概念;解释了为什么会出现征信业务以及它是怎样发展和应用的;介绍金融隐私权理论发展的渊源,主要是英美法上默示条款理论与侵权责任理论对金融隐私权这一权利定位的作用及其意义。第二节针对征信制度和金融隐私权的外国渊源,在征信制度模式方面,介绍了德国、美国、日本这几个有代表性征信制度模式;在保护金融隐私权状况方面,重点介绍了美国、欧洲一些国家保护金融隐私权的基本情况。第二章进入对实践中存在的问题及其解决方法的探讨。第一节通过对征信流程介绍,表明在征信业务发展中很难避免与金融隐私权的冲突问题。在征信的三个环节:收集、使用、共享中,每一个环节都可能出现侵犯金融隐私权的现象。同时,根据反洗钱活动的国际背景,提出在反洗钱过程中信用信息的收集和使用与金融隐私权保护的价值取向也存在明显的冲突,并肯定了新出台的《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》在立法上所考虑到的这一冲突的平衡解决。征信过程中能否尽可能的避免对金融隐私权的侵犯?被侵犯后怎么处理?第二节提出解决问题的基本原则、具体原则和处理方法。其中处理的基本目标是要在征信与金融隐私保护中取得平衡,基本原则要体现公共利益大于个人利益,在制订具体原则上可参考国外经验。另外,在解决冲突的处理方法上提了三点,一是要限制行政机关的权利;二是要赋予被征信人个人信息知情权和救济权;三是要规范征信机构对信息征集和使用的程序。第三章着眼于我国征信制度的发展和金融隐私权保护,提出了解决问题的可行建议。第一节总结我国征信行业目前的市场发展状况、立法状况和行业监管状况,探讨适合我国国情的征信制度发展模式,提出两步走的道路:第一步,以政府推动为主,以市场化运作为辅;第二步,实现完全的市场化运作。第二节介绍我国金融隐私权保护的总体状况,指出在现有的金融体系下,金融机构对客户信息保护远远不够,已有的法律法规侧重于保护公共机构获得信息的权利,而非客户的权利。第三节在分析和借鉴国外经验的基础上,提出了解决上述问题的可行建议。包括征信立法上要尽快明确可采集使用的信用信息范围、征信机构的权利和义务;明确对特殊信用信息的保护措施;明确政府部门的信息公开方式等。在金融隐私权的保护上,需尽快对金融隐私权做出法律定位;提高与银行保密义务相关的法律法规的立法层次,保证相关规定在实践中的可操作性;对金融隐私权受到侵害的个人要赋予明确的民事权利使其可以通过民事诉讼程序获得救济等。此外,还要不断完善监管框架,加强政府监管和行业自律体系。

【Abstract】 This dissertation deals with the financial privacy protection problems arising out of credit investigation. It mainly concerns to two aspects: Part one is how to set up and perfect the system of credit investigation. Part two is how to define the personal financial privacy and its theoretical value. The solution to the first issue relies on the protection of personal credit information, and the workable regulations in credit information’s flowing and usage. In order to solve the second problem, we need endow financial privacy the basic respect. However, the protection of financial privacy and the disclosure of personal credit information seem to be in situation of contradiction in practice. Due to this, the author firstly makes a study on the creation and development of the right of financial privacy in legal field, and then analyzes the existing legal problems in Chinese credit investigation industry. Finally, the author improve practical suggestions based on summarizing the developed countries’ experience in regulating credit investigation industry and protecting financial privacy. The author insists that we must be totally aware of the importance of the financial credit on one side and respect the value of financial privacy on the other side.This dissertation consists of three chapters.Chapter one concerns the basic definitions and theories on "credit system" and "financial privacy". The first sub-chapter of this chapter introduces the conception of credit investigation and credit system, tells the difference of privacy, information privacy and financial privacy. It also introduce the origin of financial privacy’s theory, which was based on the "implies term" and "tortuous" theories in Common Law System. In second sub-chapter, the author introduces the credit investigation systems of German, United States and Japan which are the representatives of three different styles of credit investigation systems. Regarding protection of financial privacy, the experiences of United States and Europe are recommended.Chapter two starts to discuss the possible solution to the practical problems in credit investigation. The first sub-chapter gives a introduction of the flow of credit investigation and makes it clear that in this flow, theconflict between the investigation and protection of financial privacy is unavoidable. In practice, there are three steps would possible impinge on financial privacy: credit information collection, using and share. The basic target is to balance these two rights’ relationship. The specific principals to deal with these problems should reflect the idea of public benefit has privilege. Referring the other countries’ experience, the author provides three measures: Firstly, to limit government bureaus’ right in credit information controlling. Secondly, to entitle the collected more rights such as the right to be told and the right to be redressed. Thirdly, to regulate the procedure of credit bureau in information collection, using and share.Chapter three focuses on how to consummate the system of credit investigation and protect financial privacy in China. After reviewing the current credit investigation market, the legal status and the supervision situation, the author tries to find a suitable mode for Chinese credit investigation market. At the same time, a summary of the current situation on protection of financial privacy is provided, including the bank’s obligation on clients’ confidential information in financial system, and the actions on against washing money. While facing the real confliction, the author takes the western countries’ experience as reference to offer practical solutions.

  • 【分类号】D922.28
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】470

