
冲突 融合 共赢:新时期内地香港合拍片的历史与趋势

Mainland-HK Film Co-production Since the Reform and Open-up Policy

【作者】 何美

【导师】 尹鸿;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 传播学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 新时期以来,中国内地与香港合拍电影伴随着改革开放与双方电影的发展走过了20余年,从最初开始艰难的协作,发展成为中国电影产业里一个重要的商业合作拍摄形式与文化交流方式。在当今全球化、区域经济合作的大背景下,中国的对外合作拍摄也日益衍生为一种不可替代的文化话语形态和重要的商业制作模式,内地香港合拍片为之提供了一种建设性参照。合拍市场在迅猛发展,但是相应理论却很匮乏。本文通过聚焦内地香港合拍片,探讨了内地与香港为解决合拍当中的冲突、走向融合与共赢应采取的多种制作策略、文化策略、意识形态策略和经济策略。本文首先运用电影史和政治经济学理论,采用史料文献等内容分析、访谈和个案研究的方法,系统地梳理了二十余年来中国内地与香港合拍片的发展历史与演变规律。从中看到,两地电影业存在一种既彼此竞争又相互合作的难分难解的关系,同时又面临体制性、结构性问题和文化观念转变等问题。失去了东南亚和台湾市场的昔日“东方好莱坞”香港电影工业正在救亡图存,而刚刚走向复兴的内地电影产业也是玄机莫测,两者的合作无疑更耐人寻味。另外,内地香港合拍电影受到社会、政治、经济、文化和艺术五个方面的合力影响,而在全球化、跨国联合制作方兴未艾的语境下,这五大合力逐渐结成了新联盟,成为推动合拍电影往前发展的新动力。合拍双方应在结构与体制大调整的战略下,构建合适的资源优化模型,采取系统的辅助合拍支持方案,提升合拍电影品质,使合拍向广袤和纵深的国际舞台拓展。总之,合拍电影要实现融合与共赢,应把握几个内在规律与关键因素,这既对内地和香港电影双方都有促进,对共建华语电影有参考意义,同时也对文化创意产业有所启发。

【Abstract】 Along with the reform and open-up policy in China, the Mainland-HK film co-production has grown for more than 20 years. Within this period of time, the film industry in China becomes mature and both Hong Kong and China’s mainland benefit from the advantage of trans-regional co-operation and cultural exchange. By the trend of globalization and regional economic alliance, with the complementation of Hong Kong and Chinese film industries, the Mainland-HK film co-production creates herself a unique literate form and develops an important economic model.With the guidance of film history and political economic theory, the study shows how the Mainland and Hong Kong filmmaking integrated with their social, political, economic, cultural and art environments. The bilateral environments accelerated the development of film industry and matured the production process. However, with the differences in political systems, social and cultural structures, Hong Kong and Mainland filmmakers even stopped their footsteps; On the other hand, under the influence of globalization, the union of social, political, economic, cultural and art environments creates a new seed to sprout again.To study the Chinese film property, production procedure will be an essential topic to investigate. Based on analysis, barriers have been existing in the co-operation process of China’s mainland and Hong Kong. As a result, four areas of corresponding strategies are sketching out; they are: production strategy, cultural strategy, ideology strategy and economic strategy. Besides, international co-operation is a trend for most of the industries nowadays; inter-country team-up is a matter of course. Meanwhile, under the attack of Hollywood films, HK film almost collapsed in the markets of South-east Asia and Taiwan. However, with the prosperity of Chinese economy, film industry is sprouting. Under this circumstance, the team-up filmmakers between Mainland and HK is inevitable. Though there are differences between the two cultures, it’s still provided evidently that we have a precise reform between the two systems and good coordination in future.To sum up, the study emphasizes on three areas in film co-production between HK and China’s mainland, which are conflict, integration and mutual advantages. The text also decomposes the essential elements of being integrated of filmmaking; it highlights how to take advantage of co-operation. The study aims at studying current situation in Chinese film property, so as to shed a light on the whole Chinese film as a whole and creative & cultural industries in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】J909.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1254

