

The Research on Development and Strategy Options of Chinese Private Bank

【作者】 韦瑶瑶

【导师】 张晋生;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国金融市场开放外资银行大量进入,国有银行股份制改革引入国际金融资本之纪,有没有必要发展本国的民营银行或金融机构,以及如何发展,是关系到我国金融市场发展的重要问题。本文依据金融改革的基本理论和我国有关民营银行的发展的最新情况,对我国民营银行的发展及其策略选择进行了较为深入地分析。本文主要分引言和六大部分进行论述。引言。提出选题的背景和意义,对国外理论界在民营银行问题上的主要理论进行了综述,并介绍了国内研究现状,明确研究框架,理清研究内容。第一部分从民营经济定义出发,界定了民营银行的概念,以确定本文的研究对象。本文认为,民营银行是遵照我国《公司法》、《商业银行法》建立的,民间资本占公司绝大控股地位,按市场化机制经营,具有现代银行治理机制和风险防范体系的股份制商业银行。本文其余部分的研究均是建立在这一概念的基础上。接着,论述了民营银行比较优势以及国内外理论界关于民营银行发展的动态。第二部分论述我国台湾地区民营银行发展给我们带来的启示。台湾从1987年9月决定开放民营银行,运行至今,其民营银行发展既有成功的经验也有失败的教训。本文从台湾民营银行发展实践中得出几条值得我们借鉴之处,包括:建立有效的经营机制,加强政府的监管水平等。第三部分是我国民营银行发展的可行性研究。这部分重点分析了民营银行在我国经济发展中所起的重要作用。包括民营银行在解决我国弱势金融群体融资难、在国有金融机制改革中、在解决二元化经济结构、应对外资银行进入的挑战四大方面发挥的重要作用。文章第四部分是民营银行发展难点分析。包括民营银行市场定位、资本结构、资本规模、设立方式四个方面。本文认为民营银行在开始时应定位于为中小企业等弱势金融群体服务;在资本结构上应采取多个持股量相近的大股东型;在进入资本规模上刚开始不宜要求过高的资本金,要循序渐进;在设立方式上因地制宜,选取改造和新设同时并存的方式。文章第五部分是本文的主体。该部分论述分为宏观和微观两大部分。第一部分,从宏观上论述应该如何为民营发展创造良好的宏观环境,包括加快推进利率市场化,深化金融体制改革,制定完善的民营银行市场准入与退出机制等。第二部分,以被我国业内誉为第一家真正的民营银行——浙商银行的发展为实例,探究我国民营银行的微观运行机制。浙商银行运营的成果,证明了民营银行在我国有很大的发展潜力,同时也证明了本文提出的民营银行在市场定位,资本结构,资本规模,设立方式上的选择是符合民营银行发展实际的。接着指出浙商银行发展中存在着的不足之处,论述民营银行该如何建立完善的微观治理机制。最后是结语。得出本文分析的结论,并揭露需要进一步分析的问题。本文的创新之处在于把民营银行发展置于国家关于其发展的最新政策以及我国金融发展不断变革的大环境中去研究。本文主要采用了理论与实践相结合,比较分析,实证分析等方法。

【Abstract】 Along with the opening of Chinese finance market, the shareholding system reform in state-run banks and the introduction of international financial capital, there come up the very sensitive and critical questions: whether it is necessary to develop Chinese private banks or private financial institution and how to develop Chinese private banks or private finance institution. The thesis deeply analyze the development and strategy options of Chinese private based on finance reform theories and recent realities of Chinese private banks.The introduction establishes the concept of private bank based on the definition of private economy as the target to research. The private bank are commercial bank of shareholding system, founded according to the Law of Corporation and the Law of Commercial Banks, operated based on market mechanism and controlled by private capital, of modern bank governance mechanism and risk preventing system. Then the thesis introduces the comparative advantage of private bank and recent achievements of international academic researches on this subject.The first chapter introduces the development of Taiwanese private banks. Taiwanese government allowed the operation of private bank in September 1987. Given the many similarities between Chinese economy and Taiwanese economy, the thesis concludes some suggestions from the experience and lessons of the development of Taiwanese private banks like: establishing effective operation system, enhancing government administration, etc.The second chapter researches the feasibility of the development of Chinese private banks, analyzes the significance of private banks in Chinese economic development, dealing with the difficulties in raising funds for weak finance groups, the reform of financial system of state-owned enterprises, solving the dual economic structure, dealing the challenges brought by foreign banks.The third chapter is about the key issues of developing private banks, including market positioning, capital structure, capital scale, establishing method, etc.The fourth chapter is divided into two different parts. The first part discusses how to create a desirable macro environment for the development of the private bank. The measurements should include accelerating the marketization of the rate, further promoting the finance system reform, establishing the integrated entering and quitting system of the private bank market, etc. The second part takes the first real private bank of China—CHINA ZHESHANG BANK as an example to discuss the micro operation system of China’s private bank. Firstly, the thesis will confirm the excellent performance or CHINA ZHESHANG BANK, come up with the conclusions that there is tremendous developing potential for private bank in China and the strategies mentioned in the chapter 3 are feasible and effective. Then the thesis will point out the disadvantages during the developing process of CHINA ZHESHANG BANK, suggest the effective corporate governance for private bank.The originality of the thesis is that it discusses the development of the private bank within the context of state policies and the constantly changing financial environment. The research methods of the thesis include comparing analysis, positive analysis, etc.


