

Research of Profit Distribution from State-owned Corporation

【作者】 都炳军

【导师】 戚聿东;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 国有企业在我国经济社会中占有相当大的比重,我国国企改革问题历来是理论界研究的重点。在过去的十几年里,国企改革虽步履艰难,但成果颇丰,这与理论界的研究探讨是分不开的。国有企业利润分配改革是当前国企改革的热点问题,也是难点问题。这一问题无论从理论还是从实践上都具有重要意义。国企为何分红?如何分红?由谁主导分红?等等问题,而不同学者基于不同角度,对这些问题的回答都不尽相同,这严重困扰着人们的思维。在对国内外学者的理论文献进行综述后,笔者探讨了国企利润分配的理论问题。这些问题包括:国企利润分配的沿革;国企分红的必要性;地方国企分红的模式;国家分享中央企业利润的模式选择;国企利润分配改革的难题;国企利润分配改革的实施方案。随后,笔者分析了中央汇金公司管理国有金融资产的模式,进而探讨了将这一模式推广到国企的可行性和实现途径。这也是本文的创新点。中央汇金是我国在金融改革过程中建立起来的投资控股公司,它的建立,对于国有金融机构建立现代化的公司治理机构,对国有商业银行的股份制改革起到了至关重要的作用。同时,中央汇金作为股份制银行的控股方,完全通过上市公司模式实现了国有企业利润分配的市场化。这一方式对国企进行利润分配改革提供了参考。通过以上的探讨和分析,笔者对当前和今后国企利润分配改革的方式和方法提出了自己的建议:首先,应调整国资委、财政部和国企集团在此次改革中的权力安排;我国国企情况复杂,改革过程中必须分步骤分层次进行;要对国企利润中的垄断利润和正常利润进行区别;国家应建立相应的法律规范来规范国企利润分配行为。

【Abstract】 The State-owned enterprises (SOE) occupy a large proportion of China’s economy and the China’s SOE reform has always been a focus of theoretical economics research. In the past 10 years, the state-owned enterprises reform programs have yielded fruitful results even if there have been a lot of difficulties. As an inseparate unit of SOE reform from the theoretical to the study, reform on the profits distribution of SOE becomes a hot issue in recent days.However, How to distribute profits? Who make the related decisions? Scholars give diverse answers to these questions in different perspectives, which affect people’s thinking. After reviewing domestic and foreign scholars’ literature, I explore issues related to the distribution of profits of SOE. These issues include: the history of SOE profits distribution; SOE dividends necessity; the local model of SOE; central share of profits mode selection; the profits of state-owned distribution reform program. Then, I analyze the case of Central Huijin(CH) Company, which is a state-owned asset management company, and come to the conclusion that the CH pattern is able to overcome the problem of profits distribution of SOE. This is also an innovation point of the thesis. CH was set up in the process of China’s financial reform, and it is beneficial for the state-owned financial institutions to establish modern corporate governance, and it plays a vital role for the shareholding reform of state-owned commercial banks. Meanwhile, as the shareholder of the listed commercial banks, CH fully made the profit distribution of SOE market-oriented through listing SOE.Based on the above discussion and analysis, the thesis gives some recommendations for the ways and means of profits distribution reform of SOE. First, we should adjust the power arrangement between the SAC, the Ministry of Finance and the state-owned enterprises during the reform; second, given the complexity of China’s state-owned enterprises, the reform process must be step-by-step; third, we should distinguish the monopoly profits and normal profits of the state-owned enterprises; Finally, the government should establish appropriate legal norms to regulate the profits distribution of the state-owned enterprises.

【关键词】 国有企业利润分配改革
【Key words】 State-owned enterprisesprofits distributionreform
  • 【分类号】F275.4
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1220

