

Research on the Development of Our Country’s Suburban Shopping Mall

【作者】 于伟

【导师】 陈立平;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 产业经济学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪是购物中心发展最活跃、最辉煌的时期,它是在19世纪原型的基础真正走向成熟,成为现代先进的商业经营和管理方式的代表,并在世界范围内广泛兴起。购物中心的出现是20世纪零售商业发展的一个巨大进步,它给人类社会的生活带来了巨大的变化,它在现代社会生活中的地位也越来越重要。大型购物中心在欧美已历时近百年,它是建立在经济和交通高度发展的基础上。近几年来,大型购物中心在我国一些特大城市方兴未艾,对大型购物中心的兴建如火如荼,而且其兴建的规模惊人;伴随着人口的郊外化转移和高效交通系统的发展,一些郊外型购物中心也在我国兴建起来。这些郊外型购物中心在充分满足人们现代生活新需求的同时,存在一系列的问题,同时也带来了一些负面的影响。郊外型购物中心的蔓延把人的购物活动吸引到了郊区,加剧了城市郊区化、城市空心化和中心区衰退。城市商业格局的变化同时也改变了城市形态。这些都不由得我们要对此做出理性的思考。本文主要从以下几个方面对我国郊外型购物中心的发展进行探讨和研究:第一部分,引言,介绍了本题的理论意义和实际意义、国内外同类研究的现状、本文的研究目的、研究方法、研究创新和不足之处。第二部分,阐述了购物中心以及郊外型购物中心的相关概念,分析了郊外型购物中心的特点及郊外型购物中心在美国、日本和我国的起源及发展状况。第三部分,从经济状况、人口郊外化水平、汽车普及率及交通状况、居民的消费结构和消费水平、科技成果的转化、生产和流通的合理化程度上对发展郊外型购物中心所需要的经济社会条件进行阐述。第四部分,借助国内外一些关于集聚及购物中心的理论研究成果,来引证发展郊外型购物中心的理论意义以及对于郊外型购物中心进行合理规划和经营的有效模式。第五部分,以北京市为例,从经济发展水平、汽车的普及和交通发展状况、居民的消费水平和消费结构三个主要方面对于我国日前发展郊外型购物中心所具备的条件及目前发展状况进行阐述。第六部分,以北京市首个大型郊外型购物中心—金源购物中心为参照,从内部管理和外部规划上对建设、发展和经营郊外型购物中心中存在的难点和问题进行阐述。第七部分,鉴于我国在建设和发展郊外型购物中心上刚刚起步以及郊外型购物中心经营和发展中存在一系列的难点问题,奉文最后对于如何规划和经营郊外型购物中心进行探讨。相信在理论界和实务界的共同努力下,我国郊外型购物中心的发展定会日臻完善。

【Abstract】 The 20th century is the most active and prosperous period for the development of shopping center . Based on its prototype in 19th century, the shopping center not only becomes the advanced representative of commercial operation and management but also spread widely all over the world .As a great innovation for the development of retailing world in the 20th century, the appearance of shopping center brought great changes to people’s lives and is becoming more and more important in the modern society.Based on highly developed economy and transportation, the huge shopping center has experienced nearly a hundred years. In the recent years, there appeared a large number of shopping centers in the big cities in China, and the total number is mounting ; besides the suburbanization and the development of efficient traffic system ,some suburban shopping malls have appeared in our country. Not only do these suburban shopping malls satisfy people’s needs ,but also bring some problems and negative effects ,such as suburbanization , unurbanization ,and the recession of some central areas. A city’s change in commercial pattern has changed its form at the same time. So we have to consider all these factors rationally.The essay discusses the development of suburban shopping mall in China from the following aspects:The first part is forward. Explains the purpose and meaning of this text, current situation of domestic and international research, research approach, technological route and innovation, and problems remained to be studied further.The second part describes the related concepts of shopping mall and suburban shopping mall, then analysis the merits of suburban shopping mall and its origination and development in American, Japan and China.The third part describes the economic and social requirements on developing the suburban shopping mall from these elements: economy, the degree of people’s suburbanization, the traffic status, the prevalence of automobiles, citizens ’consuming power and consuming structure, the converting rate of technology, and the rationalization of both production and circulation. The fourth part describes that thanks to the development of these domestic and international theories and research on convergence and shopping mall, we can illustrate the availability on developing shopping mall and try to find the most effective way on planning and managing the shopping mall.The fifth part put Beijing as an example to illustrate the conditions we have on developing the suburban shopping mall and its current status from three parts: the economic development, traffic status and prevalence of automobiles, citizens ’consuming structure and consuming power.The sixth part try to use Jinyuan shopping mall that runs as the first and biggest shopping mall in Beijing as reference ,to illustrate the difficulties and problems on planning ,developing and managing the shopping mall from both interior management and exterior planning.Lastly ,we have just began to construct and develop the suburban shopping mall for quite a short time , there appeared so many difficulties in the process of operation and development ,so we have to form our own ideas on planning and managing the suburban shopping mall to the best.

  • 【分类号】F721
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】322

