

The Research of Survival and Reform of Chinese Rural Cooperative Banks

【作者】 李驰

【导师】 李树生;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的一项重大历史任务。加快推进农村金融改革是建设社会主义新农村的迫切需要,在我国整体金融体制改革的占有重要地位。农村信用社一直是我国农村金融的主力军。然而长期以来,我国农村信用社的整体状况不尽如人意,经营和发展始终存在着种种问题。农村合作银行是我国2003年开始的新一轮农村信用社改革中可供选择的三种改革模式之一,是我国农村金融改革的新生事物。从各地实行农信社改革的改制方案来看,合作银行成为不少地区农村信用社改革的首选模式。在商品经济较发达、城镇化水平较高的地区,农村合作银行模式正在显示出越来越大的活力。然而我国理论界始终对农村合作银行模式存在种种非议。理论上的质疑和否定与实践中农村合作银行的蓬勃发展形成了强烈而又鲜明的对比。这一反差说明关于农村合作银行的理论研究存在不足,需要进一步深化。本文以我国新生的农村合作银行为研究对象,对我国新生的农村合作银行进行了多角度、多层次的分析。本文回顾了我国农村合作银行产生背景和发展历程。本文对农村合作银行的股权结构和法人治理结构进行了深入的研究。笔者考察了农村合作银行股权结构和法人治理结构相关规定,对现有农村合作银行的股权结构和法人治理结构进行了实证研究,同时将农村合作银行的股权结构和法人治理结构分别与我国股份合作制工商企业、农村商业银行和外国的合作银行进行了系统的比较研究。本文还以宁波鄞州农村合作银行为例对我国农村合作银行的经营现状与发展前景进行了探讨和研究。本文主要采用了实证分析、对比分析和案例分析等等研究方法。本文的主要结论:农村合作银行是我国合作金融制度的探索与创新。从股权设置和股权结构角度看,我国的农村合作银行更接近于股份制商业银行,与外国合作银行相距很远,农村合作银行股权设置和股权结构的稳定性如何有待进一步观察。相比农村信用社而言,农村合作银行在法人治理结构方面有了明显的改善;农村合作银行与农村商业银行在法人治理结构方面有很多相似之处;我国的农村合作银行建立了较强的基于股权关系的约束机制和监督机制,但是农村合作银行之间的相互约束与相互监督机制很弱。

【Abstract】 Building a new socialist countryside is an important historic task in China’s modernization process. The reform of rural financial system is urgent when building a new socialist countryside, and is an important task in the reform of financial system in China. Rural Credit Cooperatives (RCCs) are the most important financial institutions in rural financial market of China. But the operating situation of RCCs is not satisfactory. Rural cooperative bank (RCB) is a new type of financial institution in China and has become the first choice when many Rural Credit Cooperatives carried out their transformation. In the areas where market economy is well developed and urbanization level is high, RCBs have shown their advantages. But the financial academic community has different views about RCB. There is contrast between academic negation and the vigorous development in practice. The contrast shows the need of further research.This paper focuses on the RCBs newly-established in China. The paper reviewed the development background and history of rural cooperative banks in China. The paper has study carefully the ownership structure and corporative governance of the RCBs. The writer explored the regulations, collected some examples and compared the RCBs with joint-stock cooperative corporations, rural commercial banks and foreign cooperative banks in respect of the ownership structure and corporative governance. This paper studies current situation and outlook of rural cooperative bank by taking Ningbo Yinzhou Rural Cooperative Bank, the first rural cooperative bank in China as an example. The main study methods of the paper are case study and comparison study.The main conclusions are drawn as follow: RCB is a practical creation of Chinese cooperative financial system. As to the ownership structure, RCBs in China are much like commercial banks in China and far from cooperative banks in other countries as to the ownership structure; the kinds of shares and structure of ownership of RCBs is unstable and will evolve over time. As to the corporative governance, rural cooperative banks have make obviously progress; Rural cooperative banks are much like rural commercial banks in China in respect of corporative governance; Rural cooperative banks in China have established strong restraining and supervisory mechanism, but the restraining and supervisory mechanism within rural cooperative banks is weak.


