

Study on the Legislation of Land Reclamation of Mining Areas in China

【作者】 顾宁博

【导师】 张凤麟;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境与资源保护法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 矿产资源是国民经济发展的物质基础,是人类社会可持续发展的保证。但是,矿产资源的开发与利用过程中对环境造成的影响也不容忽视。矿业的发展一方面为国家的经济建设提供了大量的燃料和原材料,同时也对矿山环境恶化的产生了负面影响,尤其是对土地资源的破坏更为严重。在我国人均土地贫乏的情况下,加强矿区土地复垦工作已成为当务之急。土地复垦不仅是对土地进行再利用的主要措施,而且是合理节约使用资源,保护环境,促进国民经济与社会的可持续发展的重要保障,也是一项利国利民的系统工程。矿区土地复垦是我国矿山环境保护工作的重中之重,如何有效地开展矿区土地复垦、恢复生态环境,达到人口、资源和环境的可持续发展,是当前我国各级政府面临的首要任务。我国的矿区土地复垦工作远远滞后于发达国家,现有的矿区土地复垦立法有待于进一步的完善,中国矿区土地复垦的现实迫切需要有一部全国性的专门矿地复垦法,以规范全国矿地的复垦。只有完善法律法规,确保土地复垦资金渠道畅通,健全土地复垦的监督管理体制、加大执法力度,提高矿山企业的复垦意识,才能使矿区土地复垦工作顺利开展。本文分为四部分。第一部分介绍了中国矿区土地复垦的现状和相关法律,第二部分介绍了发达国家矿区土地复垦立法,第三部分对我国矿区土地复垦立法和实践中所存在的问题进行了深入分析,在此基础上提出完善我国矿区土地复垦立法的建议,即建立全国统一的土地复垦法,加强土地复垦的监督管理工作,加大土地复垦资金的投入,制定科学合理的复垦标准,以恢复因矿产开发利用而破坏的生态环境。

【Abstract】 The mineral resources play a very important role and are material foundation to the development of national economy, and also the guarantee of the social continual development .On the other hand, it can not ignore the neglect influences on the environment in the process of mineral exploration and utilization, especially to the land, it is urgently to protect the environment.Land reclamation is not one measure to reuse the land, but also ensure using the mineral resources in reason and protecting the environment, and boosting sustainable development of national economy and society. Land reclamation and is essential to the work of environmental protection in mine. Thus how to reclaim land effectively and restore eco-environment to maintain sustainable development of mining areas has become a significant problem that the government has to solve. China falls far behind other developed countries in land reclamation in mining areas, Study on the legislation of Land Reclamation of Mining Areas in China is at present waits on beingfurther perfected, promoting the whole line of the land reclaim.The paper has four parts. First, introduces the present situation and relative laws of Land Reclamation of Mining Areas in China.Second, use for reference the legislation of land reclamation in developed courtry.Third,analyes problems of the land reclamation of mining areas in China, so some countermeasures are put forward in according with the actuality of land reclamation of mining areas in China to perfect correlative laws and intensify the supervision, finance and propaganda, in order to assure the land reclamation and environmental protection in mining areas to develop successfully.

  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】729

