

The Area Choosing and Site Optimizing in Developing of Electric Net and Power

【作者】 丁勇

【导师】 赵林度; 刘雪梅;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 系统工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 大型火力发电厂建设项目是一个耗资十分巨大的系统工程,关系到国民经济和人民生活的各个方面,相应的选址工作包含了诸多的技术和经济要素。随着电力体制改革,电厂的选址已从国家规划平衡过渡到多家发电公司竞争自主选择。为了获得相应的科学合理厂址优选评价方法,本文尝试研究开发一套适合电力市场竞争条件下的具有实际可操作性的火电力发电厂厂址优化和评价方法。针对中国大唐集团公司在某电网的火力发电厂选址工程项目,本文采用系统工程的分析方法,初步提出了对项目的选址采用模糊评判和电价因子相结合的优化评价方法,使得选址过程更加合理有效,确保电厂投产后具有很强的竟争力和运行效益。(1)在区域选择评价上,改变了传统的以送网和燃料等少数条件定性评价的方法,针对某省内不同区域采用包括送网、燃料、运输、环保、水资源等多个建厂条件进行了分析和比对,再采用专家打分的办法进行主要建厂外部条件的模糊量化,通过对量化结果的归集得出对不同地区建厂条件的模糊评判排序结果,从而初步得出最适宜建厂的区域。(2)在选定区域后,改变了传统电源项目“以需求确定供应”的建厂原则和“以成本核算电价”的定价原则,提出了重点研究以不同厂址的估算电价(电价因子)为核心来评价其电力市场竞争力评判方法。对于确定区域内的不同厂址进行技术条件深入的比较,借助电力行业定额获得较为准确的数据的基础上,依据社会平均基准收益率和行业公认回收年限,采用计算运行寿命期内各年的现金流量,并折算到起始年份的现值的方法,以现值平衡为零作为基准估算不同厂址的合理电价,再以电价为核心的评判项目的竞争力,从而找出适应电力市场条件的最优厂址。本文提出的优化评价方法具有实际可操作性和工程应用前景,可供各大发电公司在火力发电厂工程项目选址时参考。

【Abstract】 Large-scale thermal power plant construction project is a system engineering costs enormous.It concern all respects of national economy and people’s lives, so the corresponding site selection work includes a great deal of technology and economic key element. With the electric system reform .Site selection of power plant has already carried out a balance transition from country planning to many generate electricity Company’s independently competition. In order to obtain corresponding optimum seeking of site of factory sciencely and rationally, this text tries to research and develop one set of methods to optimize and appraise the method at the electric site of thermal power factory, which is suitable under electric market competition conditions and have effective reality. As to the select project Chinese Datang group company working for the a electric net, this literary uses the analytical method of the system engineering and proposed the optimizing method of fuzzy Judging and price combining,this make the site selection course more rational and effective . As a result, the factory will have very strong fighting for strength and operation benefit unexpectedly after the power plant goes into operation.Firstly, concern to the apprasing of the area chosen, directing against different areas inside the province ,the text change the traditional method into comparing much more factory-founding conditions, for example, fuel, transportation, environmental protection, water resource and so on, but not just fuel and net transition. Then it adopts the method that the expert gives a mark to get the fuzzy quantization of the mainly external condition of factory founding. By collecting the quantization results, we can get a fuzzy arranging result of different areas, thus to find the most suitable site.Secondly, after selecting the site,the text change the traditional price principle of power project– "supply according to the demand" and "cost accounting the price", and propose a power appraising method based on the studying of different estimating price (the price element) in each area. Take a deep comparing of the technological condition in different site of factory in the confirming area ,obtain on the foundation of the comparatively accurate data by norm through the power industry, then assume the reasonable investment return and recovery service life, calculating the cash flow of every year in the life-span of operation and convert it to the current value of initial year, then estimating reasonable price of different site by regarding the current value as zero, and then taking price of electricity as the core to judge the competitiveness of the project, as a result, the optimum site of factory that meets condition of electric market is found.The optimization method that this text has put forward has actual effectiveness and project use prospect. It is suitable for every large generate electricity Company to study as reference about the site-selecting project of thermal power plant.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】TM715;F407.61
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】127

