

GIS System Research and Developmenet for Mobile Application

【作者】 童蔚苹

【导师】 徐立臻;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 管理信息系统(MIS)在各行各业得到广泛的应用。由于其处理对象主要是文本和数字等简单信息,表达形式单一,缺乏直观性和决策可视化,很难有效分析复杂的空间地理信息而成为阻碍其更广泛应用的重要原因。地理信息系统(GIS)是一种管理及研究空间数据和属性数据的信息系统。相对于MIS来说,GIS拥有丰富的空间数据分析能力,采用可视化的手段表现空间数据、拓扑关系及分析结果,其应用领域也延伸到与人们日常生活密切相关的领域。论文在分析GIS与MIS各自技术特点的基础上,探讨了GIS和MIS融合的可能性及融合策略。对采用混合管理模式组织和管理空间数据的GIS系统,提出采用MIS专题图层解决GIS与MIS在数据层的结合问题,并通过ActiveX组件实现二者之间的互操作。论文采用组件式地理信息系统软件开发技术,以可视化开发语言Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0为平台,结合ESRI公司的MapObjects2.2开发控件,设计并实现了一个基于支持移动应用的GIS应用系统——SwiftGIS。除提供地图放大、缩小、漫游、图层管理及空间查询等传统的GIS功能外,SwiftGIS还实现了车辆GPS模拟跟踪、移动定位服务、路径分析等功能以及鸟瞰、基于信息点管理的与MIS系统的结合等特色功能。论文除了全面、系统地介绍了SwiftGIS的体系结构、空间数据图层和功能模块的设计外,在研究国内外文献的基础上,仔细分析路径分析中道路网络数据的特点,提出一种新的路径分析道路网模型,并通过路段提取、节点分离等技术,快速生成道路网拓扑文件并构建道路拓扑网络。在传统的最短路径算法(即Dijstra算法)的基础上,论文采用邻接表结构存储数据,用二叉堆结构来实现路径计算过程中优先级队列的一系列操作,实现了最短路径的可视化计算。对改进后的最短路径算法进行对比实验,结果表明效果较好。

【Abstract】 Management Information System(MIS) is applied widely. It manages ordinary information, like text, numeric, etc. MIS simply expresses data and is lack of support for visualization, decision support and decision making technology. Geographic Information System(GIS) is an information system that manages and explores data of geographic information including spatial and property data. Compared with MIS, GIS has the powerful ability of analyzing spatial data and visualization technique to express spatial data, topology relation and analysis results. The application of GIS is extended to many fields which are associated closely to our life.In this paper, possibility and strategy of merging about GIS and MIS is studied based on analyzing technical characteristics. For GIS which organizes and manages spatial data with mixed model, it is proposed the“MIS Subject Map”technology to eliminate the obstacles of GIS data layer linkage to MIS, and make use of ActiveX components to provide operations of one another.A GIS software system——SwiftGIS, based on supporting mobile application, is designed and realized using the platform of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, which adopts Components GIS technology and integrates ESRI company’s MapObjects2.2 control components.. SwiftGIS provides GIS general functions such as map zoom, travel, map layer management and spatial data query etc., in addition, it also provides characteristic GIS application, such as GPS simulation tracking, mobile locating service, path analysis, air view and integration with MIS based on information nodes management.System architecture and design scheme of spatial data map layers and function modules are described systematically. Road net information data required by path analysis is studied and a new road net model based on path analysis is proposed. By line segments extracting and points separating technologies, the road net topology file and road topology network are generated quickly.Derived from the traditional calculating method ,i.e. Dijkstra algorithm, the visualization analysis procedure of the shortest path finding is improved by adopting the data structure of adjoining table data structure and binary heap to complete the operation of priority queue. Calculation experiment gets the satisfactory results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】238

