

The Relationship between College English Teachers’ Goal Setting and Their Classroom Behaviors

【作者】 邢亦平

【导师】 李荣宝;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,动机理论对二语习得影响的研究成为一个主流,Dornyei的外语学习动机三层次理论强调语言学习动机中的学习环境层面。其中与教师相关动机成分被认为是其中一个很重要的因素。中国的英语教师一直以来在英语课堂教学中扮演着一个不可或缺的角色,因此有必要研究英语教师的课堂教学行为表现。而当前中国高校英语教师所面临的种种窘境使得他们中的一部分人没有恰当的教学目标。因此本文尝试运用目标设置理论探讨高校英语教师的教学目标的设置是否与其课堂教学行为有关,并对哪些具体的课堂教学行为产生影响。这一研究的必要性在于:既然与教师相关动机成分是影响学习者动机的一个重要组成部分,那么教师的课堂行为就很有可能对学习者的英语学习过程产生影响;如果教师的目标设置的确影响了他们的教学行为,我们就可以通过这一研究了解如何帮助高校英语教师设置良好有效的教学目标以改进或提高他们的课堂的行为表现,从而达到更好的二语习得效果。 本文通过问卷调查的形式,用两个有效的问卷—目标设置量表和教师互动问卷对某一高校的56名英语教师进行调查,收回有效答卷50份,了解英语教师不同的目标设置及他们不同的课堂教学行为,并从问卷中收集原始数据,用SPSS 11.0进行统计和分析,主要用相关分析的统计方法分析英语教师不同的目标设置对其课堂教学行为的影响。结果表明,高校英语教师不同的目标对于他们的课堂教学行为的许多方面都产生显著的影响。在目标设置问卷中得较高分值的老师通常有较积极的课堂教学表现,如善于组织课堂,有幽默感,能理解学生对学生要求严格并经常给予学生鼓励和赞扬等;较少有消极表现如对学生不满和在课堂上犹豫不决不知该如何组织教学等,反之亦然。研究还表明明确而具体的目标的确会促进产生更好的行为,而当多个目标并存时一般不会产生冲突,因为教师们通常能够分清轻重缓急知道什么是应该最先完成的目标。 另外,研究也揭示了影响教师目标设置的一些重要因素,如教师的受教育程度和学校的资源配备及奖惩方式等。我们应该改进所有对教师的目标设置不利的因素,从而使每一位教师都有正确具体明确的工作目标,改善他们的课堂行为表现,以达到提高教学效果的目的。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the study of motivation theory has been a mainstream in SLA researches. Taxonomy of motivation (Dornyei, 1994) stressed the importance of the learning situation level, in which teacher-specific component is an essential component. In China, English teachers play an important role in English learning process, so it is worthwhile to examine English teachers’ performance in the classroom teaching, however, we also learn that nowadays, English teachers, especially college English teachers are faced with several dilemmas. And some of them do not have proper goal for teaching. In the present thesis, therefore, we attempt to employ the goal setting theory to find out whether different goals set by college English teachers are correlated with their classroom behaviors, and what specific behaviors will be affected by teachers’ goal setting. The necessity of this research consists in the fact that since teacher-specific motivational component is an essential part of learners’ motivations, then the teachers’ classroom behaviors will play an important role in English learning process; and that if different goals of teachers do affect their classroom behaviors, then we can learn from the present study to help college English teachers set appropriate goals to improve their classroom behaviors so as to produce better effect on Second Language Acquisition.56 college English teachers in the same university participate in the study. The study uses two effective questionnaires—goal setting questionnaires and QTI(Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction). Finally we got 50 valid answers to thequestionnaires, learning distinct goals set by different English teachers and their various classroom behaviors; and we collected data from the questionnaires for processing and analyzing. The results indicate that distinct goals of college English teachers exert prominent influences on many aspects of their classroom behaviors. Those who got higher scores in goal setting questionnaire often appeared to be more active in the class, such as being more capable of organizing an effective learning environment, more humorous and helping and understanding; and they were less likely to be dissatisfied with their students or be at a loss as to what to do in the class, vice versa; besides we learned that clear and specific goals do result in better behaviors, and goal conflicts may not happen because teachers always know which goal is the most important and should be accomplished first.The study also shows important factors that have impacts on college English teachers’ goal setting such as different educational backgrounds and school resources and rewarding systems. And we should correct all negative factors in order to ensure that every teacher has a correct and specific and clear goal for teaching so as to improve their classroom behaviors.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】262

