

A Study of Industrial Clusters and Enhancement of Economic Competitiveness in the North West Fujian Province

【作者】 魏秀兰

【导师】 王建华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和市场化进程的不断加快,产业集群构成了当今世界经济的基本空间构架。实证研究表明,产业集群与区域经济之间的关系极为密切。近年来,闽西北地区的冶金、建材、机械、纺织、林产加工等产业已具有一定的实力,初具产业集群的雏形,但规模小、层次低、聚集程度不高的特征明显。因此,如何加快培育和壮大产业集群,发挥产业集群功能,提升区域经济竞争力,已成为闽西北地区融入海峡西岸经济区建设,实现全面建设小康社会目标的一个重要课题。 本文运用竞争经济学的相关知识和理论,借鉴现代西方经济学的研究成果,围绕国内外产业集群与区域经济的发展实践,采取规范分析和实证分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合以及比较分析等方法,以闽西北地区(三明市域)为研究区域,以加快产业集群发展、提升区域经济竞争力为研究重点,在简要分析闽西北地区产业集群发展现状、存在问题的基础上,深入分析该地区产业集群发展滞后、区域经济竞争力不强的根本原因,并通过国内外不同地区产业集群发展的成功做法与经验的分析,提出加快培育产业集群,提升闽西北区域经济竞争力的对策建议。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of economic globalization and marketization, industrial clusters constitute the basic space structure of the modern world economy. Demonstrative analyses reveal that industrial clusters are closely related to regional economy. In recent years, the industries of metallurgy, building materials, machinery, textile and processing of forest products have begun to show their power and industrial clusters appeared in an embryonic form, but with evident characteristics of small scope, low level and low density. As a result, how to further cultivate and expand industrial clusters and how to develop the functions of industrial clusters and strengthen regional economic competitiveness have become a key issue of constructing West-Taiwan strait economic zone and building a Well-off society in an allround way.This paper, by applying relevant knowledge and theory of competitive economics, uses the research results of modern western economics for reference and centers around the practice of industrial clusters both home and abroad and regional economy. Through normative analysis and positive analysis, qualitative analysis and quantative analysis as well as comparative analysis, this paper makes Sanming areas as research subjects and emphasizes on the acceleration of development of industrial clusters and the enhancement of regional economic competitiveness. First, the paper briefly analyses the present condition and problems of industrial clusters in the north west regions. Then, it investigates into the causes of backwardness of industrial clusters and weak regional economic competitiveness. Last, by analysing successful practice and experience of development of industrial clusters, this paper puts forward the countermeasure of further cultivating the industrial clusters and promoting the economic competitiveness in the north west Fujian Province.

  • 【分类号】F279.27;F127
  • 【下载频次】180

