

Design and Implementation of a Vibration Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network

【作者】 吕丽娟

【导师】 王莹;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 一些灾难性事件如地震等会对建筑物的结构产生肉眼看不到的破坏,这些损伤严重威胁着人类的生命财产安全。通过对建筑物的振动情况实时监测,可以减少甚至避免不必要的损失。此外建筑随着时间的推移也会因为侵蚀、老化、冲刷等影响而逐步退化,产生不安全因素。因此对建筑物的实时、周期监测,显得十分必要。无线传感器网络监测系统较传统的监测系统相比具有耗资小、安装方便、维护和更新费用低等优势,非常适合对远程环境、设备、设施的状况进行监测,应用前景十分广阔。据此,本文以交通部西部开发项目“桥梁无线监测技术研究与开发”课题为依托,设计了一种振动监测传感器节点并组成无线网络,可以对大型结构进行振动监测,为结构健康监测提供数据,具有重要的应用价值。 本文主要介绍系统中无线传感器节点的设计以及无线通讯协议的实现。无线传感器网络中的节点采用电池供电,可以使用的电能非常有限,因此节约无线传感器节点的能量是无线传感器网络软硬件设计的核心问题。本设计从节点硬件设计到软件协议实现都围绕节能的核心进行。首先,在器件选型上,尽量用低功耗芯片:节点的微处理器采TI公司的MSP430F149超低功耗单片机;传感器采用ANALOG DEVICES公司生产的单片集成加速度传感器ADXL105;AD转换芯片采用TI公司16位微功耗高速采样模数(A/D)转换器ADS8325:射频收发单元采用nRF905。其次,在协议设计上,设计实现了基于CSMA/CA的媒体接入控制方式,在非工作时间内节点处于低功耗模式。定时时间到,一个采集周期开始,节点进入工作模式,收到主节点发来的同步信号后开始采集、发送数据。最后,本文给出了实验结果,证明了设计的无线传感器节点以及通信协议能够正确工作,并对系统的不足,提出了改进方案。

【Abstract】 Extreme events like earthquakes can cause sever damage to the health of civil infrastructures which is usually invisible. Such damage may threaten the safety and property of the people. The loss of life and property caused by collapse of civil infrastructures can be effectively reduced, or even avoided through the near real-time structure condition monitoring systems. In addition to the extreme events, the civil infrastructure will undergo gradually deterioration over its life span due to corrosion, fatigue, scour, etc. So, periodic condition monitoring is a very important method to provide information about the soundness of the civil infrastructure over its operational life. Compared with the traditional monitoring systems, the wireless sensor networks have many advantages, such low cost, easy installation, low cost of maintenance and update. Therefore, wireless sensor networks have a very wide range of prospects for application, and have become one of the hottest research field .Thus, under the project of Research and development of bridge wireless monitoring technology founded by the Ministry of Communications, this paper designs a kind of vibration monitoring sensor node, then organizes these sensor nodes into a wireless network for structural health monitoring.This paper mainly introduces the design and implementation of the wireless sensor node and the realization of the wireless communication protocol. The wireless sensor node usually uses battery to supply energy, so the energy is limited. As a result, how to save the energy of the wireless sensor networks is the core issue in the hardware and software design of the network. With the consideration the core issue, the hardware and software are designed in this paper. On the one hand, we choose micro-power chips: the MCU of the nodes is the ultra low energy embedded processor MSP430F149 manufactured by the Texas Instrument Company, and the sensor unit is ADXL105, a monolithic IC accelerometer made by ANALOG DEVICES Company. The analog to digital converter is ADS8325, which is a 16-bit, high-speed, micro-power chip of TI

  • 【分类号】TP274.4
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】645

