

The Research on the Simulation of Navigation Radar Echo Signal

【作者】 沈良

【导师】 索继东;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 仿真技术是利用模型对系统进行研究、分析、评估、决策或参与系统运行的一门多学科的综合性技术。利用现代仿真技术和数字电路技术的雷达信号模拟器,以其经济、灵活和可重复性等优点,已成为雷达系统的设计、开发、测试、教学和培训中不可缺少的重要组成部分。 针对船舶导航雷达和VTS工程的雷达仿真系统的研究工作同样具有重要意义。对船舶导航雷达工作环境建模与仿真技术的研究,可以直接服务于雷达信号模拟器的设计,也可以为雷达系统设计、信号处理算法优化、性能仿真等方面服务。本文针对此,从服务于工程应用和教学研究的角度出发,对船舶导航雷达回波信号模拟方法以及软件实现中的一些技术进行研究,以满足雷达信号模拟器设计的需求。 本文分析了雷达视频回波信号的目标、杂波和噪声仿真模型,给出了雷达信号回波模拟的基本方法。采用蒙特卡罗仿真方法分析了雷达杂波的幅度概率分布特性、时间相关特性、空间相关特性,分析结果对雷达杂波模拟以及雷达信号处理都有实际应用意义。 根据不同的模拟场合和模拟需求,给出了海杂波功率谱模型,分析了海杂波幅度概念分布特性。利用零汜忆非线性变换方法和球不变随机过程方法,实现了雷达发射波形为常规脉冲情况下的相关Rayleigh分布、相关LogNormal分布、相关Weibull分布和相关K分布杂波模拟。对杂波空间相关特性进行了研究。 根据船舶导航雷达目标特性,给出了目标回波模型,分析了目标回波模型的幅度、起伏和运动等特性。 最后综合仿真了船舶导航雷达杂波,并据此开发了《船舶导航雷达回波信号数据显示分析系统》软件,该软件用Visual C++6.0在WINDOWS操作系统中编写并调用MATLAMB程序。

【Abstract】 Simulation technique is a multi-discipline in which a model is created to research, analyze, evaluate the system or participate the process of the system. Taking advantage of modern simulation techniques and digital circuit technique, radar signal simulator, by its features as economic, flexible and repeatable, has been an essential part in radar system especially on its design, development, test, teaching and training areas.The research task aimed at Radar Simulation system for Marine Navigational Radar and VTS Project is equally significant. The research on modeling working environment of Navigational Radar and Simulation technique will serve the design of radar signal simulator, and also assist the design of radar system, the improvement of signal processing and the functional simulation. From the view on serving Engineering Applications and teaching research, this paper aims at discussing the simulating method of navigational radar echo signal and some techniques of software realization in purpose of satisfying the requirement for the design of Radar signal simulator.After analyzing the target, clutter, noise of simulating method based on Radar Video Echo Signal is devised. Based on Monte Carlo method, the features of radar clutter range, Characteristic time-correlation and Spatial-Temporal Correlation are analyzed. The result makes a great practical significance on simulating of Radar Clutter and processing of Radar Signal.Based on different simulating occasions and demands, model of sea clutter power spectrum is made and distribution feature of sea clutter is analyzed. In use of ZMNL and SIRP, the clutter simulations of correlative Rayleigh Distribution, correlative LogNormal Distribution, correlative Weibull distribution and correlative K distribution are realized in case of radar Transmitting Waveform with regular impulse. And some space correlative features related to distributed clutter are studied.According to target feature of Marine Navigational Radar, model of radar target

  • 【分类号】TN957.5
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】609

