

Study of Ship Navigating Safety on Universal Berth and Fairway for Changxing Island Public Port Area

【作者】 吕红光

【导师】 戴冉;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 航海科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 大连长兴岛临港工业区的开发,是我国港口发展战略的重大举措,是辽宁及东北老工业基地振兴的迫切需要。长兴岛公共港区通用泊位及航道一期工程建设是临港工业园区建设的首批任务,该项目具有投资巨大,任务艰巨,意义深远等特点。因此,该项目的安全建设以及建成后的通航安全是一项重要课题,不仅可以减少事故发生,而且可以最大限度的提高港口效益。 正是基于此目的,本文结合《海港总平面设计规范》和国内外关于港口和航道的相关研究成果,跨越港口规划、港口航道工程、航海科学与技术等多个学科,运用数值分析、运筹学、船舶动力学、船舶操纵模型、浅水效应、理论力学等科学理论方法来研究实际问题。利用电子海图显示信息系统、Excel数据处理系统进行标绘以及数据分析和处理。重点利用船舶模拟器,选取较精确的船舶模型,预设合理的外界风、流条件,在规划港口水域和航道内进行操船试验,确定了一种通过计算最概率航迹带宽来确定航道宽度的新思路,同时利用其研究论证了拟建工程水域的船舶通航安全情况,提出一些合理化建议。 通过对长兴岛公共港区1~3#泊位及航道一期工程通航安全的研究,进一步验证了我国的《海港总平面设计规范》的局限性和保守性,说明我国规范有待进一步完善;提出了确定航道宽度、航道深度的一些新思路,应用于新港口建设,老港口改造能提高一定的经济效益;明确了拟建工程对自然环境的影响,尤其对斑海豹自然保护区的冲击,望人和自然能够进一步和谐地发展。

【Abstract】 The exploitation of Dalian Changxing island industrial estate, is our country’s important stratagem act, also is the urgent demand of the development of Liaoning province and northeast old industry base The first period engineering of Changxing island public port area and channel is the fist step of the construction. This program need huge funds,and have profound meaning. Therefore, it’s safe construction and navigation safety is an important task, not only it can reduce the trouble occurrence, and can raise the port performance with utmost.To this purpose, the paper combine the Code for design of general layout of sea ports and domestic and international research results, span many studies:such as port programming,channel engineering,navigation technology...etc., use the numerical value analysis,operational research,ships dynamics,ships model theories,shallow water effect and the mechanics theories...etc,to study the actual problem.Making use of the electronics chart information system and the program Excel,to carry on marks drawing and the data analyzing.The point is to ascertain the width of fairway by the ships simulator. At last, the paper develops a new method using probability distribution of the track-width and put forward some rationalization suggestions for navigation safety.By the navigation safety research of the public harbor area and the channel of Changxing island, further verified the limit and conservative of the Code for design of general layout of sea ports ,that’s said it is needing to doing further progress; Second, this paper put forward some new way of thinking of channel width, the channel depth, if it can apply in constructing the new port, reformatting the old port. It’s certainly that it can increase economic performance; Third, the paper draw up the influence of the engineering upon the natural environment, particularly to the spot seal impact of the natural sanctuary, hope the people and nature can exist harmoniously.

【关键词】 通用泊位航道通航安全
【Key words】 Universal BerthFairwayShip Navigating Safety
  • 【分类号】U612.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】249

