

Energy Conservation Revamping of South Distillation Unit in Jinxi Petrochemical Company

【作者】 石泽

【导师】 袁希钢; 朱燕玲;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 化学工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 锦西石化公司南蒸馏装置比较陈旧,能耗一直较高,2000年平均能耗达18~19KgEo/t,距达标要求(指标≤10.8 KgEo/t)相距甚远。经分析后得知,其最根本原因是其装置的换热网络安排不当,导致原油换热终温低(约270℃),加上其它一些设备上的原因,致使燃料、电力、水、蒸汽等公用工程消耗量过大。为了降低操作成本,提高经济效益,必须进行以换热流程优化为主,设备更新改造为辅的节能技术改造工作。窄点技术是80年代由B.Linnhoff教授等人提出的合成换热网络的一种新理论,该技术以其较强的实用性而引人注目,经过多年的应用研究,已成为过程工业节能的一种先进且特别实用的技术,广泛应用于炼油、石油化工、造纸、制药、水处理等几乎所有过程工业部门。以窄点技术为核心的ASPEN PINCH软件首次在本院应用,解决了南蒸馏装置换热网络优化设计的问题,取得了良好的效果。针对南蒸馏装置的特点,在本次工程设计中采用的降低装置能量消耗的途径有:●优化调整整个换热流程,提高原油换热终温,降低产品冷却负荷,提高装置热回收率;●优化装置的操作参数,常、减压塔采取适当的回流取热比例,充分利用高温位热源;●改造常、减压加热炉,提高热效率,降低燃料消耗;●改造电脱盐设施,降低电脱盐系统电耗;●采用电机调频技术。南蒸馏装置在2002年8月底改造工作完成,9月一次开车成功。经标定,原油换热终温稳定达到310℃,装置能耗≤10.8kgEo/t原料,节能指标全部达标。锦西石化南蒸馏装置节能改造的成功,再一次显示了窄点理论在指导炼油装置节能设计中的巨大作用。

【Abstract】 The South Distillation Unit of Jinxi Petrochemical Company is dated, and its energy consumption is up to 18-19KgEo/t, which is more higher than the standard level (≤10.8kgEo/t).It is analyzed that the vital reason is the illogical heat exchange network, which leads to lower heated crude temperature (270℃).Then, the utility consumption such as fuel, water, electricity and steam is extremely overloading. In order to decrease the operating cost and increase the economic benefit, the energy conservation revamping must be done including optimizing heat exchange network and updating some equipments.The Pinch technology is a new theory on combined heat exchange network, which is raised by professor B.Linnhoff and so on in 1980’s.It has been paid more attention because of its practicability .It has become an advanced and practical energy conservation technology in processing industry. It has been used in almost all processing industry such as petroleum refining, petrochemical industry, paper making, pharmacy and water disposing. Adopting the ASPEN PINCH software based on pinch technology for the first time, we succeed in optimizing heat exchange network of South Distillation Unit.According to the South Distillation Unit, the following methods have been adopted to decrease the consumption of the unit. Optimizing the whole heat exchange network, raising the end heated temperature of the crude, decreasing cooling capacity of products and increasing the yield of heat saving.Optimizing operation parameters, adopting proper reflux ratio in atmospheric vacuum column designing, fully utilizing the energy of high temperature pumparound streams.Revamping the furnace to improve heat efficiency and decreasing the fuel consumption.Revamping the electrical desalter to decreasing the power consumption. Adopting frequency governing technology.The revamping project was finished in August 2002 and the unit ran in good state since September 2002.It was tested that the end heated temperature of the crude is up to 310℃, and the total energy consumption was lower than 10.8kgEo/t.The energy consumption target was achieved.The revamping of the unit again proves that the pinch technology plays a great role in energy conservation design.

【关键词】 蒸馏节能换热网络窄点
【Key words】 distillationenergy conservationheat exchange networkpinch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】TE624.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】294

