

The Exploration of the Path for Enhancing the China Regional Competitiveness Based on Industry Cluster

【作者】 果云霞

【导师】 叶耀明;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 国际贸易, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 纵观国内外对区域竞争力的研究,大多研究都是把焦点集中在了竞争力这一单一层面而相对独立于产业集群来进行的,很少有从产业集群这个角度来对区域竞争力进行研究和阐述的。 产业集群作为一种为创造竞争优势而形成的独特的产业空间组织形式,它所具有的群体竞争优势和集聚发展的规模效应是其他形式所无法比拟的。依靠其内部的联系网络,产业集群有力的推动了当地区域经济的迅速发展。很多国家的地方政府就是通过培育地方产业集群,从而提高了本地区的区域竞争力。在经济全球化的今天,产业集群化发展已成为全球性的经济发展潮流,而产业集群也构成了当今世界经济的基本空间构架。可以说,产业集群是区域竞争力的重要标志。本文就是基于产业集群角度,将我国分为发达(东部沿海)和欠发达地区两大部分,其中欠发达地区又细分为中西部和东北二个地区,然后根据不同地区的特点,提出了基于产业集群的区域竞争力提升的路径。 本文分为绪论、正文和结论三大部分。其中第一章为绪论,主要介绍了本文的选题背景、研究方法、对象、目的、意义、结构及力争创新之处。正文从第二章开始,到第五章结束,共四个章节。其中第二章主要是对区域竞争力、产业集群及产业集群与区域经济二者之间的关系的有关理论研究进行了总结和回顾。第三章分别从产业集群对区域竞争力的效应、波特竞争理论和创新三个角度阐述了产业集群对区域竞争力的影响机制。第四章和第五章是本文的重点章节。其中,第四章结合实际对高新技术产业集群对区域竞争力的影响进行了实证分析。第五章是在前几章的基础上,并结合我国不同地区的特点,提出了各个地区提升区域竞争力的产业集群途径。第三部分也即本文的第六章,是结论和展望。在总结的基础上,提出了本文的不足及需进一步探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 Throughout the domestic and international research on the regional competitiveness, most studies have focused on the single level of competitiveness and is relatively independent of the industry clusters. Therefore seldom of them have researched and clarified the regional competitiveness from the angle of the industry clusters.Industry clusters as the unique industrial space organization can form the competitive advantage and what the competitive advantages of groups and the economies scale of the Pool development it have are incomparable with the other forms. Relying on its internal networks, the industry cluster can improve the rapid development of local economy strongly. In many countries, the local government has enhanced the regional competitiveness in the region by cultivating the local industry clusters. In the today of the economic globalization, the development of industry clustering has become a global trend of economic development and the industrial clusters also constituted the basic space framework of the world economy. It can be said that industrial clustering is an important sign of regional competitiveness. The paper is based on the clustering of industries and it divides the whole country into two main parts that is the developed region and the underdeveloped region, which can also be divided subtly into three parts including the Easter, the Central and the Western. Then, according the characteristics of the individual region, it brings up the various paths enhancing the regional competitiveness based on the industry cluster.The paper is composed of three parts of introduction, text and conclusions. The first chapter, introduction, has illustrated the paper’s selecting background, the method of research, object, purpose, meaning, structure and the innovation. Four chapters have been included in the text from the body of the second chapter to the fifth chapter. The second chapter summarizes and reviews the related literatures and the theories about the regional competitiveness, the industrial cluster as well as the relations between the industrial cluster and the regional economy. Chapter third

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】628

