

The Model’s Construction and Visualization on Campus 3D GIS

【作者】 王平

【导师】 吴学毅;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 校园三维GIS将地理信息技术与传统的管理信息系统相结合,以三维可视化场景实现校园景观及信息的浏览查询和动态交互管理,使现实中的校园环境在时间和空间上得到延伸,利用GIS提供的空间管理和空间分析功能去解决常规管理方法难以解决的许多问题,扩展传统校园的功能,最终实现教育过程的全面信息化,达到提高教学质量、科研和管理水平的目的。 本课题以西安理工大学金花校区为研究对象,将三维模型引入地理信息系统中,结合现有的二维地理空间数据,从数据的准备、三维模型的构建、三维可视化、空间查询分析、信息管理等方面进行了系统的分析研究。在Visual C++ 6.0编程环境下,利用开放式图形库OpenGL从底层构建了理工大校园的三维场景和三维地物模型,实现了校园的三维可视化。为了便于存储和组织空间数据,提出了一种称为“扩展MIF文件”的数据文件格式,在此基础上针对校园中景物的特点提出了一种实用的三维建模方法,实现了三维可视化场景和二维导航视图的互响应与互操作。 在利用计算机图形学、现代数学、测绘学等众多领域大量成果的基础上,本文系统论述了一种快速构建校园三维GIS的技术和方法,主要包括以下几个方面: (1) 各种空间数据的获取与处理; (2) 地形、地物快速建模技术与方法; (3) 三维可视化、漫游技术与方法; (4) 二维、三维互响应与互操作技术; (5) 三维空间信息查询分析技术与方法; (6) 图形软件界面的设计。

【Abstract】 The campus 3D GIS combining GIS and MIS can carry out information browse & search and dynamic mutual management of campus throughout 3D scene, make actual campus environment stretch on time and space, make use of the space management and space analysis GIS provided to resolve many problems that is hard for normal management method, thus expand function of the traditional campus, make education process overall information-based, attain to raise the teaching quantity, research and management level.The research object of the paper is Jinhua campus of Xi’an University of Technology. The 3D model is introduced to GIS. The data preparation, construction of 3D model, 3D visualization, spatial query and analysis, information management are analyzed and studied according to existing 2D spatial data. The 3D scene and 3D model are constructed from bottom with OpenGL in Visual C++ 6.0, and 3D visualization of campus come true. The data file format named MIF extend is put forward in order to save and organize space data. Based on MIF extend file, the applied 3D modeling method is put forward for the scenery in campus. The mutual response and operation between 3D visualization scene and 2D navigation view is achieved.A technique and theory of clipping campus three-dimensional GIS is discussed in the paper based on lots of advanced results of computer graphics, modern mathematics and topography, etc. The content mostly includes:(1) The collection and processing of various spatial data;(2) The clipping modeling techniques and methods of terrain and spatial model;(3) The techniques and methods of 3D visualization and roam;(4) The mutual response and operation between 2D and 3D;(5) The techniques and methods of 3D spatial information query and analysis;(6) The design of software graphics interface.

【关键词】 地理信息系统三维建模可视化OpenGL
【Key words】 GIS3D ModelingVisualizationOpenGL
  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】956

