

Research on "M-Zone" Marketing Strategy for Gansu Mobile Communication Co., Ltd

【作者】 董晖

【导师】 徐瑞平;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 动感地带作为中国移动集团公司专为年轻客户群打造的一个品牌,受到广大消费者的关注。动感地带鲜明的品牌标识,为目标客户群所喜爱的品牌代言人,在大学校园中的营销推广活动,在客户心目中塑造了良好的品牌形象,甚至在全国消费者心目中都留下了深刻印象。塑造一个成功的品牌,需要合理的市场细分和市场定位,并配合针对目标客户的产品、价格、渠道、促销的营销组合,以进行品牌的成功推广。因此,本研究以市场定位、营销推广为出发点,将甘肃移动动感地带营销研究作为研究课题,探讨动感地带的营销策略。本研究首先回顾了营销理论的发展历程,对STP和营销4Ps组合理论及研究成果作了收集和整理,其次,结合甘肃移动动感地带营销的外部环境状况,分析了甘肃移动动感地带营销现状及存在的问题。其中,营销现状围绕营销组合以及营销观念、流程、机构人员等方面展开;营销问题则揭示了产品、价格、渠道、促销各要素中存在的不足。在此基础上,运用SWOT模型分析了甘肃移动动感地带营销的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,作为制定动感地带营销策略的依据。本研究在对甘肃移动动感地带营销全面认识的基础上,制定了动感地带营销策略,包括目标市场的确定、产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略,并对营销策略的实施提出了相应管理建议。通过研究明确了甘肃移动动感地带的主要市场及目标客户,所提出的营销组合策略与实施建议,对未来甘肃移动动感地带营销水平的提高具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 As a brand created for young customers of China Mobile Group,“M-ZONE”has shaped good brand image in targeted customers for its popular brand spokesman and promotion activities on campus. To create a successful brand needs proper segmentation and position, with good marketing combination to extent brand to targeted customers successfully. Based on marketing segmentation, target, position, product, price, place, promotion, this study took“M-ZONE”of Gansu Mobile Communication Co., Ltd as an example and probed marketing strategies for“M-ZONE”.The study reviewed the development of marketing theories, collected and list theories of marketing STP and marketing combination of 4P, then based on external environment of marketing competition, the study analyzed the actualities and problems for Gansu mobile“M-ZONE”. Among which the actual situation analysis encloses through marketing concept, process and staff; problems analysis encloses through product, price, place, promotion. Then, the study analyzed the strength, weakness, opportunity and threatens for“M-ZONE”development to support the marketing strategy. Based on understanding of the total situation of“M-ZONE”marketing in Gansu, the study put forward marketing strategies, included target customers, product strategy, price strategy, place strategy, promotion strategy, and advised on marketing strategy management.The study defined the main market and target customers for“M-ZONE”of Gansu Mobile, and put forward marketing tactics and advices, which have some reference value to improve marketing level for“M-ZONE”of Gansu Mobile in future.

  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】660

