

A Study on the Establishment of Safety Management of Sifang Company

【作者】 袁莉莉

【导师】 胡利利;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国化工行业的迅猛发展,在对推动经济发在展和社会进步的同时也伴随出现了化学品火灾、爆炸、泄漏、中毒事故频繁发生,给人民生命财产造成巨大损失。在这种形式下国家明显加强了危险化学品监管力度,化工企业如何应对当前严峻的危险化学品安全生产形势,构建企业安全管理体系已成为当务之急。四方复合肥厂(简称四方公司)经过近多年的发展,已建立一套安全管理体系。本文首先研究综述了事故致因理论、安全管理方法、健康、安全与环境一体化管理体系及其相关理论,研究分析了壳牌公司安全管理体系;接着,对四方公司安全管理体系现状进行了研究,分析提出了四方公司安全管理体系存在的诸如缺乏有效的安全防护设施、职工安全意识淡薄及责任制无法落实等问题;借助于安全投资收益比较的方法、企业安全文化阶段诊断等方法于手段分析判断了上述问题的重点原因,主要包括安全投入不合理、安全管理人员缺乏专业知识、直线主管责任不明确及缺乏相关的考评模式等;以前述理论为指导,针对存在的问题和原因,结合四方公司发展和运行的实际需要,从危险源辨识出发,采取安全投资的合理性评估、安全培训、安全文化的建立、关键安全指标的考核,基于及健康、安全与环境一体化管理体系要素,研究构建了四方公司安全管理体系。论文在安全管理考评体系中采用的安全管理主要业绩指标的目标管理方面有所创新,且研究较为深入。论文研究成果对与四方公司安全管理体系改进具有参考价值,对同类企业安全管理体系建设具有促进作用。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of our chemical industry recently, there is big step forward economic development and also society advancement, at the same time, accidents like fire, exploding, leakage and poisoning are also happened frequently, which has brought great lots to our people. Under this circumstance, government start concerning on the safety management of chemical. How to face the problem of this circumstance and how to establish a safety management system in a chemical company is an urgent task at the time being.Sifang company is a big chemical company, after many years development, the company already established a safey management system. This study start from the theory of the cause of accident, safety management measusres, Health, Safety and Enviromenatl management system (HSE System), also study the theory of Shell company. Then start the study of current safety status of Sifang company, and find the problem of existing is because of lack of effective safety facilities, consciousness of employee and excution of policy, based on way of comparying of safety investment and income, safety culture status to define the cause of the problem is unreasonable investment, unqulifed of safety management people, unclear responsibility of direct supervisor and reasonable appraisal system. Based on mentioned theory, the problem and the cause of the problem, also related the actural statuse to set the safety system of sifang company from identification of hazards, and then assessment of investment, safty traiing, culture establiment, safety goal management and HSE system.As the safety goal management is a creative theory and also detailed descripted, it will be a experience to the related company.

  • 【分类号】X922;F426.72
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】390

