

【作者】 赵永安

【导师】 王福豹;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络是一种全新的信息获取、处理和传输技术,通常包含大量的自组织成多跳无线网络的分布式传感器节点。由于无线传感器网络具有组网快捷、灵活,不受有线网络约束的优点,可广泛用于紧急搜索、灾难救助、军事、医疗等环境中,因而具有广泛的应用前景。无线传感器网络作为现代通信技术中一个新的研究领域,引起了学术界和工业界的高度重视。多家科学和商业杂志将无线传感器网络技术评为21世纪深刻改变人类生活的十大技术之一。无线传感器网络将是沟通物理世界和数字世界的一个桥梁。 由于无线传感器网络一般配置在恶劣环境、无人区域或敌方阵地中,加之无线传感器网络本身固有的限制,因而网络安全引起了人们的极大关注,这也给研究人员和工程技术人员提出了大量具有挑战性的研究课题。在传感器节点计算速度、电源能量、通信能力和存储空间非常有限的情况下,传统的安全机制不适合运用于无线传感器网络中。无线传感器网络安全通信信协议的研究成果近几年才陆续出现。安全方案还处于理论研究阶段,距离实际应用和形成普遍接受的标准还相差甚远。 本文深入地研究了无线传感器网络常见的攻击方式及防御手段和现有的安全算法。并在此基础上,提出了一种新的无线传感器网络安全方案,并对该方案进行了性能、安全、连通性和抗俘获分析。该算法主要在两个方面改进了安全方案的性能:一是设计了簇密钥以支持安全网内处理,为数据融合,冗余删除和被动加入提供了安全保障,提高了无线传感器网络在安全模式下的工作效率和网络的生命周期。二是应用概率性冗余路径传输,随机的增加返回给数据处理中心的信息副本数量,供数据处理中心进行比较分析,以识别恶意节点。 在实用化的安全方案研究方面,在实际的原型实验平台上实现了基于对称密钥算法的安全管理方案,做出了实现安全系统的初步探索,奠定了进一步研究的良好基础。文章的最后对全文做了总结并对将来的研究方向做出了展望。

【Abstract】 Wireless Sensor network (WSN) is a novel technology about acquiring and processing information , which is made by the convergence of sensor intercommunicated via wireless radio and can be defined as an autonomous, ad hoc system. Typically, these nodes coordinate to perform a common task. WSN takes on widespread application foreground and becomes a new research area of modern corresponds technology. Both academia and industries are very interested in it. Many scientific magazines and business magazines have selected the WSN as the one of the greatest technologies which will greatly change human society in the 21 st century. WSN will be the bridge between physical world and the digital world.Wireless sensor network is commonly deployed in harsh, unattended or even hostile environment, together with the intrinsic limitation of wireless sensor network. So people pay attention to the security of the network. And it also put forward a great deal of challenging subjects to the researchers and engineers. Because of the limit of the computing speed, energy, communicating ability and storage of the sensors, the traditional security mechanisms are not suitable for wireless sensor network. The research fruits of the security protocol for wireless sensor network in succession in recent years and the security proposals are still at theoretic research stage that is far from the practical application and the standard which is widely accepted.This thesis discussed in depth study of wireless sensor networks common attacks and corresponding defenses methods and the existing security algorithms. Based on these, a new wireless sensor network security algorithm was presented and the analysis for the performance, security, connectivity and anti-capture was discrssed. It improved existing security algorithms: firstly, it designed cluster key to support secure in-network processing including aggregation and duplicate elimination and passive participation. By this way, the efficiency and the life time of the secure network were improved. Secondly, it used .random probability multi-path to increase copies of information to data processing centers to identify the malicious node.After that, we implemented algorithm on our test-beds. Finally, we sum up this thesis and the directions of research in this area are introduced.

【关键词】 无线传感器网络安全密钥管理
【Key words】 WSNsecuritykey management
  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】907

