

【作者】 马正锋

【导师】 史耀耀;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 数控布带缠绕机是用碳/酚醛、高硅氧/酚醛预浸胶带缠绕固体火箭发动机喷管,耐烧蚀、防热材料零部件、导弹鼻锥、发射筒以及宇航飞行器防热零部件的专用设备。对于布带缠绕机,西方先进工业国家对我国实行严格封锁、禁售政策。该类设备对于我国航天工业型号研制和生产是急需的配套工艺装备。因此,研究新型的、多轴、多功能、多物理参数控制的不规则零件缠绕设备和控制软件以及工艺参数匹配已是当务之急。本课题研究的目的就是打破国际禁运和技术封锁,自主研发拥有独立知识产权的高档多功能数控布带缠绕机。 多功能数控布带缠绕机是集机械、电子、气动、控制、软件和数控等技术一体化的多学科交叉综合应用的复杂设备,它的研制是一个复杂庞大的系统工程,本文从参数控制角度出发,在认真研究复合材料成型工艺要求的基础上,对影响缠绕制品性能的张力、温度和压力等工艺参数进行研究,提出了切实可行的闭环控制方案,并增加自动尺寸测量功能,旨在提高数控布带缠绕机的性能和可靠性,完善其功能。使数控布带缠绕机的自动化程度更高,功能更全面,使用更方便。 随着控制技术和硬件电路技术的发展,不断有各种成熟的专用控制器问世,其控制精度、可靠性等技术性能指标已经过实践的检验,完全可以用于多功能数控布带缠绕机的参数控制。所以,本文对数控布带缠绕机的研究也与时俱进,尽可能利用现有的技术成熟的控制器和控制算法。 文中提出了新型张力装置,提高了张力测量的精度,为精确控制提供了条件。为了提高工艺参数控制软件的实时性,论文中采用硬件控制器完成张力和温度的闭环控制,工控机只负责参数的监视和显示。压力系统采用气动回路,气缸作为执行元件,比例阀为控制元件,使用动态积分分离算法闭环控制。成功研制出基于SIEMENS数控系统的尺寸测量功能。 本文的研究设计成果已成功应用到为某研究所研制的多功能数控布带缠绕机上,经过验收,缠绕出了完全符合要求的产品,用户对此十分满意。

【Abstract】 NC cloth winding machine is special equipment that wind SRM’s nozzle and prats of bearing ablation, heat protection, missile cone, emitter and astro navigation aircraft parts with bakelite. The west developed industrialized countries embargo blockade the technic of NC winding machine tightly. This equipment is prerequisitly needed craft equipment for research and production of aerospace industry in our country. Therefore, the study of new type, multi-axis, multi-functions, control of multi-parameters for abnormity parts and control software and matching craft parameter are urgent affairs. For breaking abroad embargo blockade, the author study advanced multi-functions NC cloth winding machine own intellectual property.This project rooted from contract that signed with one academic institute in Shanghai Multi-functions NC cloth winding machine integrate mechanics, electronic, gas, control, software and numeric control technic. The research is a complex project. After studying the Composite material molding, the author research tension, temperature, press that affect the productions’ quality, and put forward applied closed-loop control project, and add the auto-measure function. These enhance the machine’s reliability and perfect machine’s functions.With development of the control and hardware technic, all kinds of special controller are produced. Their control precision and reliability are tested by practice, and are used to control the parameters of multi-function NC winding machine completely. Author makes full use of mature technical controller and algorithm.Author puts forward new type tension equipment, and improved the accuracy that tension measures, and afford condition for control. For increasing the real-time of software, author use hardware controller to fulfill control of tension and temperature. Industrial computer take on watching and displaying parameters. Cylinder is executing element of air pressure system. Proportional valve is the control element. A dynamic integral separated PID algorithm control press. Author developed auto-measure based on SIEMENS NC successfully.The research result are applied in winding machine in Shanghai. After checkout, the machine wind accord with request product completely. The user extremely satisfies regarding this.

  • 【分类号】TG659
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】414

