

The Research and Application on Tache of Evaluating in E-tender

【作者】 宋早雪

【导师】 周丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 电子商务是网络经济的重要体现。它以现代化的信息手段代替传统交易过程中纸介质信息载体的存储、传递、统计发布等环节,从而实现商品交易、服务交易以及交易管理等活动的在线化。 本文以招投标系统为辅线,评标环节为主线,详细介绍了电子招投标系统在应用过程中存在的一些问题以及评标环节的设计应用和优化控制,同时对系统的实现环境进行了深入的分析,并且使用各种参数对系统进行了建模。 电子评标系统基于网络招投标平台构建是利用远程控制技术例如视频会议、专家远程登陆、Email等技术手段实现全国联网异地评标,力求实现实名评标制、责任追踪制,以遏制传统招投标存在的暗箱操作,防止腐败,实现招投标领域的“阳光工程”。 论文以电子招投标为基础,结合企业的具体需求情况,设计实现了电子评标系统,这不但极大的提高了招投标及采购工作的效率,促进了公开、公平、公正的竞争原则,而且也加强了对招投标活动当事人的合法权益的保障,为廉政建设和防止腐败提供了技术保障。 电子评标能够顺利进行,网络安全和数据安全起到了至关重要的作用,要确保系统运行的安全,必须采用相应的安全技术。本文对敏感数据采用的对称加密、不对称加密、CA认证和数据签名等安全技术进行了重点阐述。 本论文的组织结构: 第一章作为论文的绪论,主要介绍论文选题的意义、选题背景等相关情况。同时对招投标系统的发展现状以及当前招投标系统评标环节的不足进行了阐述。 第二章主要介绍招投标的基本概念、流程以及主要的招标方式。同时根据企业需求,进行系统分析,与传统方法进行比较。 第三章主要介绍电子招投标的实现与应用。同时对电子招投标的安全性进行分析,并且罗列出了目前国际上比较先进的安全防范技术。 第四章主要介绍了智能评标系统的构建及电子评标系统的建模和建模方法,并且尝试性地建立了异地评标专家库系统,减少人为操作以防止目前的腐败现象。 第五章主要介绍了电子评标的安全问题以及解决办法,同时介绍了数字证书、密钥在电子评标中的作用。 第六章主要介绍了现行网上招投标操作存在的不足及有关法律问题,提出了电子商务法规的完善办法。

【Abstract】 E-Business, which is an important show of the network economy, substitutes many parts such as storage, transport and static of the information carrier in paper traditionally with the modern information to realize the online exchange among the commodity, services and management.The paper has introduced some problem about e-tender system and designed apply, optimize control in tache of evaluating particularly, with tender being subordinate line and tache of evaluating being main line, the same time analyzed the system’s implement condition deeply, and used evaluation method based on BP neural network in tendering to compose the intellectualized system.Electron bid evaluation system construct web tender platform to realize bid evaluation of long-distance in the whole nation using technique as video conference, expert telnet. Email etc.. It will achive real name system, responsibility tracing system to prevent camera obscura operation and corruption, and realize "sunlight project" in bidding field.On the basis of the flow of E-tender, the paper designs and realizes the electron bid evaluation system combining with the enterprise’s requirement. The network bidding system not only enhances the efficiency of bidding and procurement, promoting the spirit of openness, fairness and justness, but also guarantees the legal rights of bidders, provided the technology guarantee for impartially construct and preventing corruption.The securities of network and critical datum play an important role in electron bid evaluation. This paper has detailed introduced firewall, encryption and anti-encryption, digital signature; certificate authentication (CA) technologies, especially described the symmetry encryption and the non-symmetry encryption, certificate authentication and digital signature technology applied for sensible datum in network.The Next is the paper’s framework:The First chapter is the introduction mainly about the meaning of the subject and the background. It also analyzes the present of the tache of evaluating in Web bidding System and points the deficiency.The Second chapter refers to the concept, the process and the main fashions of bidding. It also analyzes the system based on the needing of Enterprises.

  • 【分类号】TP319;F284
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】938

