

Analyses of the Current State of Education Export & Policy Options in China

【作者】 陈艳华

【导师】 崔义中;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 教育出口不仅能给一个国家带来巨大的经济效益,拉动本国经济发展的新的经济增长点;还能加强一个国家政治、文化的国际影响力,成为提升国家政治地位的一个外交策略,促进智力引进,科技文化交流的重要推动力,提高教育的质量,推动教育全面发展,增强教育国际竞争力、促进教育国际化与现代化。目前,发展教育服务贸易、扩大教育的国际市场,推进教育出口已成为各发达国家的一个共同的发展趋势。而和西方教育发达的国家相比,我国教育出口贸易相对滞后,在国际教育市场上还处于劣势,总体表现出不平衡的发展态势,是现今世界上最大的教育贸易逆差国,也是世界上最大的教育进口国。本文通过对教育出口的现状分析,归纳了制约我国教育出口发展的主要因素:一是教育质量不高;二是专业学科缺乏吸引力;三是政府相关政策的缺失;四是缺乏宣传和营销。除此以外,还与我国目前的经济不够发达、教育科技水平不高、历史文化传统、意识形态、自然地理环境等有关。 随着教育国际化和经济全球化进程的加快,尤其是中国加入WTO之后,服务产业开放的深度和广度在不断的加强,任何一个国家不可能再是本国教育唯一的提供者,国际教育市场上的竞争日趋激烈,面对发达国家来势汹汹的教育侵略攻势,我国教育服务贸易正经历着前所未有的挑战。为了提升我国教育在国际教育市场的竞争能力,推进教育出口,本文结合中国的教育国情,针对制约我国教育出口发展的原因,以教育全球化为时代背景,进一步探讨了推进我国教育出口的政策选择,扭转我国教育贸易逆差的治理措施。首先要建立科学的教育体制,转变政府在教育中的职能,实行教育办学主体多元化的体制,以政府投资为主,多渠道筹集经费的投资体制;其次是推行灵活、赋予激励机制的外国留学生教育政策,适当放宽外国留学生的入学条件,建立来华留学生教育管理新体制,提供具有吸引力的奖学金和助学金,为来华留学生提供打工就业的机会,缩短教育学制等;然后提高我国教育机构的市场能力,转变观念,建立现代教育理念,增强教育服务意识、产业意识和竞争意识,面向国际市场,开发适合消费者需要的产品,创建具有国际知名度的大学和学科,推广汉语在世界上的普及度:最后要扩大教育出口的方式,大力发展远程教育,赴境外独立办学、合作办学,拓展海外市场。与此同时,我国政府部门、教育机构和社会各方还应通力协作、积极努力,为促进教育出口服务贸易和谐、健康、持续的发展做出贡献。

【Abstract】 Education exports not only can bring a country a great deal of ecnomic benefits, stimulate its ecnomic development to reach a new growth point. It also can reinforece the country’s political and cultural influence in the international conmunity. It serves a diplomatic strategy to promote a country’s political status and an important stimulus to facilitate intelligence import and science, technology and culture exchange. In a word, education exports improve the quailities, comprehensive development, international competitive capabilities and internationalization and modernization of education. At present, it is a common trend in the developed countries to develop educational service trade, expand international market, and improve education exports. Compared with the educational developed countries,our courtry is still lagging behind in education exports trade represented by the inferior position at the international education market and the unbalanced educational development. But it is largest country of educaitonal adverse balance and education imports in the world. Based on the current analysis of education exports, this article sums up the main factors that block our country’s education exports development: I the relatively lowered educational qualities; II the lack of appeal of the major subjects;III the wanting of government’s policies; IV the lack of propaganda and promoting. In addition, it has something to do with our current relatively undeveloped economy educaiton, science and technology, and also the historical and cultural tradition, ideology, natural and geographical enviornment and etc.With the educaitonal internationalization and economic globalization becoming more rapid, especially after China’s entry of the WTO, the opening of service industry is gradually strenthening in both depth and width. Any country is no longer the only educational supplier in its own country. With the competition of the international education market and the educational aggression of developed countries becoming more intense, our country is going through the unprecedented challenge. In order to prmote our country’s competitive capabilities in the international education market and propel education exports, this article, aimed at the reasons that hinder our conrtry’s educaiton exports development and set the background of educational globalization, further explores the policy options that can improve education exports and managing measures that can turn the adverse balance of educaiton trde in our

  • 【分类号】G526.9
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】804

